Dr. Jason P. Cain
Fellow Silicon Design Engineer
SPIE Involvement:
Conference Program Committee | Editor | Author | Instructor
Profile Summary

Jason Cain works in the field of Design for Manufacturability (DFM) at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) in Austin, Texas, where he is currently Principal Member of the Technical Staff. Since joining AMD in 2004, his career has spanned several fields including lithography, semiconductor metrology, advanced process control, factory automation, optical proximity correction and resolution enhancement techniques.

In his current role, Dr. Cain is responsible for leading the DFM team to enable manufacturable test chip and product designs at leading edge technology nodes down to 5nm and beyond. Dr. Cain has published more than 40 technical papers and holds five United States patents. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University in 1999 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of California, Berkeley in 2002 and 2004, respectively.
Publications (29)

Proceedings Article | 18 March 2019 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 10962, 1096209 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2516571
KEYWORDS: Diagnostics, Failure analysis, Machine learning, Feature extraction, Inspection, High volume manufacturing, Silicon

Proceedings Article | 10 April 2018 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 10588, 1058805 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2299492
KEYWORDS: Machine learning, Data modeling, Model-based design, Testing and analysis, Manufacturing, Lithography, Design for manufacturing, Feature extraction

Proceedings Article | 4 April 2018 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 10588, 105880F (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2297499
KEYWORDS: Lithography, Metals, Optical lithography, Manufacturing, Machine learning, Image classification, Design for manufacturing, Library classification systems, Pattern recognition

Proceedings Article | 30 March 2017 Paper
Proceedings Volume 10148, 1014805 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2262363
KEYWORDS: Databases, Process modeling, Analytics, Design for manufacturability, Design for manufacturing, Yield improvement, Silicon, Model-based design, Statistical analysis, Product engineering, Metals, Optical lithography, Charge-coupled devices, Computer simulations, Manufacturing, Logic, Optical proximity correction, Digital electronics

Proceedings Article | 16 March 2016 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9781, 978108 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2220021
KEYWORDS: Metals, Databases, Digital electronics, Manufacturing, Raster graphics, Logic, System on a chip, Optical lithography, Optical proximity correction, Product engineering

Showing 5 of 29 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (8)

Showing 5 of 8 publications
Conference Committee Involvement (28)
DTCO and Computational Patterning IV
25 February 2025 | San Jose, California, United States
DTCO and Computational Patterning III
26 February 2024 | San Jose, California, United States
DTCO and Computational Patterning II
27 February 2023 | San Jose, California, United States
DTCO and Computational Patterning
26 April 2022 | San Jose, California, United States
Design-Technology Co-optimization XV
22 February 2021 | Online Only, California, United States
Showing 5 of 28 Conference Committees
Course Instructor
SC1209: Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Applications for Physical Design, Process and Yield Optimization
This course provides an introduction to methodologies and techniques in Data Analytics and Machine Learning, with specific applications to semiconductor manufacturing, from physical design characterization to process and yield optimization. While the growth of (Big) Data Analytics and Machine Learning continues to increase across virtually every industrial sector, the semiconductor space has seen only a modest adoption. This course aims at lowering the entry barrier, by providing both foundational and practical skills for semiconductor engineers and practitioners. Following a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art and current developments in Data Analytics and Machine Learning, the course describes how functional interactions and data information flows in the Design-to-Manufacturing chain can be enhanced by analytics algorithmic methodologies. Quantitative definitions of physical design space coverage and process space learning are introduced as the unifying abstraction, allowing for the construction of a computational application framework. Design-Technology-Co-Optimization (DTCO) is then extended with the novel paradigm of DFM-as-Search. Examples from this new DFM computational toolkit, are used to demonstrate how the advanced IC technology nodes (14, 10, 7 and 5nm) not only benefit from, but actually require the use of a new class of correlation extraction algorithms for heterogeneous data sets.
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