In this paper we present the results of the radiation tests performed on the optical components of the fiber-optic interrogator module as a part of the Hybrid Sensor Bus (HSB) system. The HSB-system is developed in the frame of an ESAARTES program and will be verified as flight demonstrator onboard the German Heinrich Hertz satellite in 2016. The HSB system is based on a modular concept which includes sensor interrogation modules based on I2C electrical and fiber Bragg grating (FBG) fiber-optical sensor elements. Onboard fiber-optic sensing allows the implementation of novel control and monitoring methods. For read-out of multiple FBG sensors, a design based on a tunable laser diode as well as a design based on a spectrometer is considered.
The expected and tested total ionizing dose (TID) applicable to the HSB system is in the range between 100 krad and 300 krad inside the satellite in the geostationary orbit over a life time of 15 years. We present radiation test results carried out on critical optical components to be used in the fiber-optic interrogation module. These components are a modulated grating Y-branch (MGY) tunable laser diode acting as light source for the tuning laser approach, the line detector of a spectrometer, photodetectors and the FBG sensors acting as sensor elements.
A detailed literature inquiry of radiation effects on optical fibers and FBG sensors, is also included in the paper. The fiber-optic interrogator module implemented in the HSB system is based on the most suitable technology, which sustains the harsh environment in the geostationary orbit.
The Hybrid Sensor Bus (HSB) is a modular system for housekeeping measurements for space applications. The focus here is the fiber-optical module and the used fiber-Bragg gratings (FBGs) for temperature measurements at up to 100 measuring points. The fiber-optial module uses a tunable diode laser to scan through the wavelength spectrum and a passive optical network for reading back the reflections from the FBG sensors. The sensors are based on FBGs which show a temperature dependent shift in wavelength, allowing a high accuracy of measurement.
The temperature at each sensor is derivated from the sensors Bragg wavelength shift by evaluating the measured spectrum with an FBG peak detection algorithm and by computing the corresponding temperature difference with regard to the calibration value. It is crucial to eliminate unwanted influence on the measurement accuracy through FBG wavelength shifts caused by other reasons than the temperature change. The paper presents gamma radiation test results up to 25 Mrad for standard UV-written FBGs in a bare fiber and in a mechanically housed version. This high total ionizing dose (TID) load comes from a possible location of the fiber outside the satellite's housing, like e.g. on the panels or directly embedded into the satellites structure. Due to the high shift in wavelength of the standard written gratings also the femto-second infrared (fs- IR) writing technique is investigated in more detail.
Special focus is given to the deployed fibers for the external sensor network. These fibers have to be mechanically robust and the radiation induced attenuation must be low in order not to influence the system's performance. For this reason different fiber types have been considered and tested to high dose gamma radiation. Dedicated tests proved the absence of enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS). Once the fiber has been finally selected, the fs-IR grating will be written to these fibers and the FBGs will be tested in order to investigate the radiation induced wavelength shift.
The FBGs react on temperature and strain change, so a decoupling of both physical effects must be assured to allow a precise measurement over large temperature ranges and corresponding potential mechanical stress, passed from the structure to the sensor. This potential source of error is addressed with the design of a strain-decoupled temperature transducer to which the FBGs are glued. The design of the transducer and measurement results of a bending test are provided within this paper.
An outlook of the usage of fiber-optical sensing in space applications will be given. One promising field of application are the so called photonically-wired spacecraft panels, where optical fibers with integrated FBGs are being integrated in panels for temperature measurements and high-speed data transfer at the same time.
Striving constantly to reduce mass, AIT effort and overall cost of the classical point-to-point wired temperature sensor harness on-board telecommunication satellites, OHB System (formerly Kayser-Threde) has introduced the Hybrid Sensor Bus (HSB) system. As a future spacecraft platform element, HSB relies on electrical remote sensor units as well as fiber-optical sensors, both of which can serially be connected in a bus architecture. HSB is a modular measurement system with many applications, also thanks to the opportunities posed by the digital I²C bus. The emphasis, however, is on the introduction of fiber optics and especially fiber-Bragg grating (FBG) temperature sensors as disruptive innovation for the company’s satellite platforms.
The light weight FBG sensors are directly inscribed in mechanically robust and radiation tolerant fibers, reducing the need for optical fiber connectors and splices to a minimum. Wherever an FBG sensor shall be used, the fiber is glued together with a corresponding temperature transducer to the satellites structure or to a subsystem. The transducer is necessary to provide decoupling of mechanical stress, but simultaneously ensure a high thermal conductivity.
HSB has been developed in the frame of an ESA-ARTES program with European and German co-funding and will be verified as flight demonstrator on-board the German Heinrich Hertz satellite (H2Sat). In this paper the Engineering Model development of HSB is presented and a Fiber-optical Sensor Multiplexer for a more flexible sensor bus architecture is introduced. The HSB system aims at telecommunication satellite platforms with an operational life time beyond 15 years in geostationary orbit. It claims a high compatibility in terms of performance and interfaces with existing platforms while it was designed with future applications with increased radiation exposure already in mind.
In its basic configuration HSB consists of four modules which are the Power Supply Unit, the HSB Controller Module, the Interrogator Controller Module and the Analog Front-End for the fiber-optical interrogation. The Interrogator Controller Module handles both, the electrical and fiber-optical sensor network. For the latter it is to be completed by the Analog Front-End. On this front-end, a tunable laser diode is implemented for the scanning of the FBG sensors. The reflected spectra are measured on multiple fiber channels and are then evaluated by use of a peak detection algorithm in order to obtain a precise temperature measurement. The precise operation of the photonic system on long terms can be guaranteed thanks to an inorbit calibration concept.
Recently optical sensing solutions based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology have been proposed for temperature monitoring in telecommunication satellite platforms with an operational life time beyond 15 years in geo-stationary orbit. Developing radiation hardened optical interrogators designed to be used with FBG sensors inscribed in radiation tolerant fibers offer the capabilities of multiplexing multiple sensors on the same fiber and reducing the overall weight by removing the copper wiring harnesses associated with electrical sensors.
Here we propose the use of a tunable laser based optical interrogator that uses a semiconductor MG-Y type laser that has no moving parts and sweeps across the C-band wavelength range providing optical power to FBG sensors and optical wavelength references such as athermal Etalons and Gas Cells to guarantee stable operation of the interrogator over its targeted life time in radiation exposed environments. The MG-Y laser was calibrated so it remains in a stable operation mode which ensures that no mode hops occur due to aging of the laser, and/or thermal or radiation effects.
The key optical components including tunable laser, references and FBGs were tested for radiation tolerances by emulating the conditions on a geo-stationary satellite including a Total Ionizing Dose (TID) radiation level of up to 100 krad for interrogator components and 25 Mrad for FBGs.
Different tunable laser control, and signal processing algorithms have been designed and developed to fit within specific available radiation hardened FPGAs to guarantee operation of a single interrogator module providing at least 1 sample per second measurement capability across <20 sensors connected to two separate optical channels.
In order to achieve the required temperature specifications of ±0.5°C across a temperature range of -20°C to +65°C using femtosecond inscribed FBGs (fs-FBG), a polarization switch is used to mitigate for the polarization dependent frequency shift (PDFS) induced from fs-FBG which could be in the order of < 20 pm causing < 2°C error in the measurement. Also special transducers were designed to isolate the strain from the FBGs to reduce any strain influence on the FBG temperature measurements while ensuring high thermal conductivity.
In this paper we demonstrate the operation of an optical FBG interrogator as part of a hybrid sensor bus (HSB) engineering model system developed in the frame of an ESA-ARTES program and is planned to be deployed as a flight demonstrator on-board the German Heinrich Hertz geo-stationary satellite.
In this paper we present the basic working principle of a fiber based optical frequency comb, the advantages for using this technology for space applications and the limitations and technical challenges arising from environmental conditions in space.
In this paper we present the design of smart satellite panels with integrated optical fibers for sensing and data communication. The project starts with a detailed analysis of the system needs and ends with a demonstrator breadboard showing the full performance during and after environmental tests such as vibrations and temperature.
Future science missions will need higher bandwidth in the Gbit/s range for intra-satellite communications, so the step from electrical transmission media towards fiber-optical media is the logical next step to cope with future requirements. In addition, the fibers can be used to monitor temperatures directly underneath satellite payloads which will reduce the integration effort in a later phase. For temperature monitoring so called fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) are written in special radiation tolerant fibers, which reflection wavelength allows a direct link to temperature at the grating position. A read-out system for FBGs to use within satellite applications is currently under development at OHB.
For this study, first the environmental requirements for the panels are derived and in a second stage the functional requirements are defined. To define the functional requirements a telecommunication satellite platform, in the case here the Small-GEO series from OHB, has been taken as baseline. Based on the configuration of temperature sensors, communication lines and electrical signaling a possible replacement by fiber-optical technology was defined and traded w.r.t. its economic benefit.
It has been pointed out that the replacement of temperature sensors will reduce harness mass, but the great benefit is seen here in the reduction of assembly effort. Once the satellite panel is manufactured, the temperature sensors are already implemented at certain positions. Another point for mass savings which has pointed out is the replacement of the high-voltage or high- current high power commands (HPC) by fiber optics. Replacing some of the several hundred of required HPC lines with very light-weight fibers would reduce the HPC harness by some tens of kilograms. A detailed table illustrating the mass savings and also the integration time savings will be presented in the paper.
To keep the track on an economic solution also a detailed market research was carried out to find suitable components for fiber-optical connectors, fibers and protections buffers. Specially for the connectors a solution based on military qualified connectors pointed out to be the most interesting solution in terms of price and functionality, especially when using multi-pole connectors.
The project closes with the construction of a breadboard demonstrator consisting of three different panels, one large panel (ca. 1 m²) and two smaller panels (ca. 0.3 m²). The large panel and one of the small panels are made out of aluminum facesheets whereas the other small panels is made out of CFRP.
The Hybrid Sensor Bus is a space-borne temperature monitoring system for telecommunication satellites com bining electrical and fiber-optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors. Currently, there is no method available for testing the functionality and robustness of the system without setting up an actual sensor-network implying numerous FBG sensors in which each has to be heated/cooled individually.
As a verification method of the mentioned system, FBG reflection based scanning laser interrogator, an FBG emulator is implemented to emulate the necessary FBG sensors. It is capable of immediate emulation of any given FBG spectrum, thus, any temperature. The concept provides advantages like emulating different kinds of FBGs
with any peak shape, variable Bragg-wavelength λB, maximal-reflectivity τmax, spectral-width and degradation
characteristics. Further, it facilitates an efficient evaluation of different interrogator peak-finding algorithms and the capability of emulating up to 10000 sample points per second is achieved.
In the present paper, different concepts will be discussed and evaluated yielding to the implementation of a Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) as the main actuator of the emulator. The actuator choice is further restricted since the emulator has to work with light in unknown polarization state. In order to implement a fast opto-ceramic VOA, issues like temperature dependencies, up to 200 V driving input and capacitive load have to be overcome. Furthermore, a self-calibration procedure mitigates problems like attenuation losses and long-term drift.
In this paper measurement results of the fiber-optic interrogator module for telecommunication satellite applications are presented. The sensor interrogator features from fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensing. Benefits are intrinsic sensor distribution capability and the possibility to embed optical fibers in composite structures like tanks and satellite panels.
The fiber-optic interrogator module is based on a narrow-band monolithic laser diode where the output wavelength is spectrally tuned by electric control signals. By evaluating the intensities of the sensor response, the peak of the FBG can be monitored. The correct evaluation of the sensor response is a challenging task, therefore different computational methods are presented, namely centroid, finite impulse response filter and curve fitting algorithms. The algorithms shall met the performance requirements in terms of measurement accuracy, robustness against laser degradation and measurement rate. Furthermore the algorithms shall be implemented in an FPGA, which means a detailed point of view to fixed-point arithmetic and necessary amount of hardware resources at constant performance.
Measurement results based on the different FBG evaluation algorithms are presented and traded regarding accuracy robustness and their possible implementation in an FPGA.
In this paper the concept and design of the Hybrid Sensor Bus (HSB) system for telecommunication satellites is
presented. The HSB development in the frame of an ESA-ARTES project has been started in 2011 and the system will
be tested as flight demonstrator onboard the German Heinrich Hertz communication satellite (H2Sat) in 2016.
In state-of-the-art telecommunication platforms hundreds of sensors are necessary for satellite control and monitoring.
The sensors are wired point-to-point (p2p) to the satellite management unit (SMU) which results in a high mass impact
but preliminary increases AIT effort and thereby the overall satellite costs. Sensor bus architectures reduce AIT cost by
reduction of wiring effort, reduction in required test time and by providing a flexible sensor network topology.
The HSB system is based on a modular concept including a controller module, a fiber-optic interrogator module and an
I²C electric interrogator module The HSB system provides advanced performance which includes programmable and
sensor specific alarm functions, averaging of dedicated sensor values and thereby a reduction of SMU processor load.
The combination of electrical I2C sensors for punctual resolved measurements and fiber-optic sensors for e.g. thermal
mapping of panels by embedding sensor fibers in the satellite structures results in a versatile system.
In this paper we present the design of the HSB system taking into account the requirements from European platform
manufacturers. The HSB design yields a product which can be implemented as replacement of standard p2p systems to
build up a more cost efficient sensor system for geostationary satellites.
Within an ESA funded project combustion chambers of Ariane V rockets are investigated for further development. Due
to temperature gradients of approximately 1300 K/mm in the combustion chamber during launch, material damages
occur because of the Doghouse effect. To avoid these damages, the combustion chambers have to be redesigned
wherefore the occurring temperatures have to be measured with an uncertainty of ±5 K. In order to measure the
temperature in the small layer between the hot exhaust emissions and the coolant, optical fiber sensing is deployed.
Embedding special optical sensor fibers that are high temperature resistant within the material allows measuring the wall
temperature directly.
In order to demonstrate fiber optic sensing for high temperature and strain measurement, Thermo Mechanical Fatigue
(TMF) panels, constructed as sandwich structure have been developed that represent the combustion chamber walls.
Coated fibers which are installed in the the panel can be subjected to thermal loads up to 1000 K inside a high
temperature oven. Online measurements of FBG sensors inscribed in the embedded optical fibers can be carried out. The
measurement results of the FBG sensors exactly match the data of the electrical reference sensor.
For FBG readout we use our newly developed Scanning Laser (SL) Interrogation System which uses a tuneable laser
source. The output wavelength is determined by a set of control currents. In order to archive the required accuracy a
Current Control Unit (CCU) stabilizes the control currents and thereby the output wavelengths. The CCU significantly
improves the accuracy and additionally enhances the measurement rate. The high temperature measurement results
demonstrate compatibility with the requirements.
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