10 April 2024 Sustainability challenges and opportunities for dry etching from advanced packaging to advanced patterning
Philippe Bézard, Remi Vallat, Atefeh Fathzadeh, Konstantina Fillipidou
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Semiconductor processing has been advancing from the nano to the atomic scale. For atomic-scale processing, the plasma source need to be precisely controlled to minimize damage, such as UV radiation damage, ion-induced damage, and charge accumulation damage. In this presentation, we will introduce an Ultra Low Electron Temperature (ULET) plasma (Te < 0.5 eV) as a novel plasma source enabling us to perform damage-free plasma processing. We will also explain how to produce the ULET plasma. It is demonstrated that charge accumulation even in a patten with high aspect ratio is almost eliminated, and graphene remains undamaged in the ULET plasma, while it is heavily damaged in conventional plasma processes. The ULET plasma shows great promise for applications in atomic-scale plasma processing.
Conference Presentation
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Philippe Bézard, Remi Vallat, Atefeh Fathzadeh, and Konstantina Fillipidou "Sustainability challenges and opportunities for dry etching from advanced packaging to advanced patterning", Proc. SPIE PC12958, Advanced Etch Technology and Process Integration for Nanopatterning XIII, (10 April 2024);
Optical lithography



Advanced packaging

Advanced patterning

Dry etching


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