Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology
VOL. 23 · NO. 4 | October 2024
SPIE publishes accepted journal articles as soon as they are approved for publication. Journal issues are considered In Progress until all articles for an issue have been published. Articles published ahead of the completed issue are fully citable.
Special Section on Metrology for EUV
Tao Shen, Iacopo Mochi, Dongmin Jeong, Elisabeth Mueller, Paolo Ansuinelli, Jinho Ahn, Yasin Ekinci
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 041402, (July 2024)
Open Access
TOPICS: Reflectivity, Extreme ultraviolet, Ruthenium, Silicon, Light sources and illumination, Reflectometry, Refractive index, Scanning transmission electron microscopy, Grazing incidence, Statistical modeling
Maximillian Mueller, Terry McAfee, Patrick Naulleau, Dahyun Oh, Oleg Kostko
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 041403, (July 2024)
TOPICS: Electrons, Outgassing, Polymethylmethacrylate, Polymers, Film thickness, Chemistry, FT-IR spectroscopy, Semiconducting wafers, Vacuum chambers, Extreme ultraviolet lithography
Markus Benk, Dmytro Zaytsev, Chris Orman, Brandon Vollmer, Daniel Santos, Jeffrey Gamsby, Jeremy Mentz, Farhad Salmassi, Arnaud Allezy, Senajith Rekawa, Ryan Miyakawa, Weilun Chao, Eric Gullikson, Scott Chegwidden, Guojing Zhang, Patrick Naulleau, Bruno La Fontaine
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 041404, (August 2024)
TOPICS: Microscopes, Extreme ultraviolet, Pellicles, Photomasks, Mirrors, Zone plates, Modulation, Imaging systems, Nanoimprint lithography, Microelectromechanical systems
Richard Ciesielski, Janusz Bogdanowicz, Roger Loo, Yosuke Shimura, Antonio Mani, Christoph Mitterbauer, Michael Kolbe, Victor Soltwisch
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 041405, (August 2024)
Open Access
TOPICS: Interfaces, Reflectometry, X-rays, Silicon, Germanium, Thin films, Data modeling, Transmission electron microscopy, Reflectivity, X-ray microscopy
Special Section on Curvilinear Masks, Part 3
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 041502, (August 2024)
TOPICS: Photomasks, Semiconducting wafers, Chip manufacturing, Optical proximity correction, Manufacturing, Vestigial sideband modulation, Extreme ultraviolet, Lithography, Industry, Inspection
Tao Shen, Iacopo Mochi, Dongmin Jeong, Elisabeth Mueller, Paolo Ansuinelli, Jinho Ahn, Yasin Ekinci
Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Vol. 23, Issue 04, 049801, (August 2024)
Open Access
TOPICS: Silicon, Scanning transmission electron microscopy, Ruthenium, Reflectometry, Phase shifts, Molybdenum, Extreme ultraviolet, Attenuation, Design, Biological samples
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