A key step in many image quantification solutions is feature pooling, where subsets of lower-level features are combined
so that higher-level, more invariant predictions can be made. The pooling region, which defines the subsets, often has a
fixed spatial size and geometry, but data-adaptive pooling regions have also been used. In this paper we investigate
pooling strategies for the data-adaptive case and suggest a new framework for pooling that uses multiple sub-regions
instead of a single region. We show that this framework can help represent the shape of the pooling region and also
produce useful pairwise features for adjacent pooling regions. We demonstrate the utility of the framework in a number
of classification tasks relevant to image quantification in digital microscopy.
Visual analytics and interactive machine learning both try to leverage the complementary strengths of humans and machines to solve complex data exploitation tasks. These fields overlap most significantly when training is involved: the visualization or machine learning tool improves over time by exploiting observations of the human-computer interaction. This paper focuses on one aspect of the human-computer interaction that we call user-driven sampling strategies. Unlike relevance feedback and active learning sampling strategies, where the computer selects which data to label at each iteration, we investigate situations where the user selects which data is to be labeled at each iteration. User-driven sampling strategies can emerge in many visual analytics applications but they have not been fully developed in machine learning. User-driven sampling strategies suggest new theoretical and practical research questions for both visualization science and machine learning. In this paper we identify and quantify the potential benefits of these strategies in a practical image analysis application. We find user-driven sampling strategies can sometimes provide significant performance gains by steering tools towards local minima that have lower error than tools trained with all of the data. In preliminary experiments we find these performance gains are particularly pronounced when the user is experienced with the tool and application domain.
Morphological and microstructural features visible in microscopy images of nuclear materials can give information
about the processing history of a nuclear material. Extraction of these attributes currently requires a subject matter expert
in both microscopy and nuclear material production processes, and is a time consuming, and at least partially manual
task, often involving multiple software applications. One of the primary goals of computer vision is to find ways to
extract and encode domain knowledge associated with imagery so that parts of this process can be automated. In this
paper we describe a user-in-the-loop approach to the problem which attempts to both improve the efficiency of domain
experts during image quantification as well as capture their domain knowledge over time. This is accomplished through
a sophisticated user-monitoring system that accumulates user-computer interactions as users exploit their imagery. We
provide a detailed discussion of the interactive feature extraction and segmentation tools we have developed and
describe our initial results in exploiting the recorded user-computer interactions to improve user productivity over time.
To move from data to information in almost all science and defense applications requires a human-in-the-loop to validate
information products, resolve inconsistencies, and account for incomplete and potentially deceptive sources of
information. This is a key motivation for visual analytics which aims to develop techniques that complement and
empower human users. By contrast, the vast majority of algorithms developed in machine learning aim to replace human
users in data exploitation. In this paper we describe a recently introduced machine learning problem, called rare category
detection, which may be a better match to visual analytic environments. We describe a new design criteria for this
problem, and present comparisons to existing techniques with both synthetic and real-world datasets. We conclude by describing an application in broad-area search of remote sensing imagery.
Ship detection from satellite imagery is something that has great utility in various communities. Knowing where
ships are and their types provides useful intelligence information. However, detecting and recognizing ships is a
difficult problem. Existing techniques suffer from too many false-alarms. We describe approaches we have taken
in trying to build ship detection algorithms that have reduced false alarms. Our approach uses a version of the
grayscale morphological Hit-or-Miss transform. While this is well known and used in its standard form, we use a
version in which we use a rank-order selection for the dilation and erosion parts of the transform, instead of the
standard maximum and minimum operators. This provides some slack in the fitting that the algorithm employs
and provides a method for tuning the algorithm's performance for particular detection problems. We describe
our algorithms, show the effect of the rank-order parameter on the algorithm's performance and illustrate the
use of this approach for real ship detection problems with panchromatic satellite imagery.
Detecting complex targets, such as facilities, in commercially available satellite imagery is a difficult problem
that human analysts try to solve by applying world knowledge. Often there are known observables that can
be extracted by pixel-level feature detectors that can assist in the facility detection process. Individually, each
of these observables is not sufficient for an accurate and reliable detection, but in combination, these auxiliary
observables may provide sufficient context for detection by a machine learning algorithm.
We describe an approach for automatic detection of facilities that uses an automated feature extraction
algorithm to extract auxiliary observables, and a semi-supervised assisted target recognition algorithm to then
identify facilities of interest. We illustrate the approach using an example of finding schools in Quickbird image
data of Albuquerque, New Mexico. We use Los Alamos National Laboratory's Genie Pro automated feature
extraction algorithm to find a set of auxiliary features that should be useful in the search for schools, such as
parking lots, large buildings, sports fields and residential areas and then combine these features using Genie
Pro's assisted target recognition algorithm to learn a classifier that finds schools in the image data.
Moving object detection is of significant interest in temporal image analysis since it is a first step in many object
identification and tracking applications. A key component in almost all moving object detection algorithms is a pixellevel
classifier, where each pixel is predicted to be either part of a moving object or part of the background. In this paper
we investigate a change detection approach to the pixel-level classification problem and evaluate its impact on moving
object detection. The change detection approach that we investigate was previously applied to multi- and hyper-spectral
datasets, where images were typically taken several days, or months apart. In this paper, we apply the approach to lowframe
rate (1-2 frames per second) video datasets.
We describe the development of a simulation framework for anomalous change detection that considers both the
spatial and spectral aspects of the imagery. A purely spectral framework has previously been introduced, but
the extension to spatio-spectral requires attention to a variety of new issues, and requires more careful modeling
of the anomalous changes. Using this extended framework, we evaluate the utility of spatial image processing
operators to enhance change detection sensitivity in (simulated) remote sensing imagery.
Accurate and robust techniques for automated feature extraction (AFE) from remotely-sensed imagery are an important area of research, having many applications in the civilian and military/intelligence arenas. Much work has been undertaken in developing sophisticated tools for performing these tasks. However, while many of these tools have been shown to perform quite well (such as the GENIE and Genie Pro software developed at LANL), these tools are not perfect. The classification algorithms produced often have significant errors, such as false-alarms and missed detections. We describe some efforts at improving this situation in which we add a clutter mitigation layer to our existing AFE software (Genie Pro). This clutter mitigation layer takes as input the output from the previous feature extraction (classification) layer and, using the same training data (pixels providing examples of the classes of interest), uses similar machine-learning techniques to those used in the previous AFE layer to optimise an image-processing pipeline aimed at improving any errors existing in the AFE output. While the AFE layer optimises an image processing pipeline that can combine spectral, logical, textural, morphological and other spatial operators, etc., the clutter mitigation layer is limited to a pool of morphological operators. The resulting clutter mitigation algorithm will not only be optimized for the particular feature of interest but will also be co-optimized with the preceding feature extraction algorithm. We demonstrate these techniques on several feature extraction problems in various multi-spectral, remotely-sensed images.
KEYWORDS: Feature extraction, Chemical elements, Mathematical morphology, Image processing, Image analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, RGB color model, Space operations, Medical imaging, Binary data
For accurate and robust analysis of remotely-sensed imagery it is
necessary to combine the information from both spectral and spatial domains in a meaningful manner. The two domains are intimately linked: objects in a scene are defined in terms of both their composition and their spatial arrangement, and cannot accurately be described by information from either of these two domains on their own.
To date there have been relatively few methods for combining spectral
and spatial information concurrently. Most techniques involve separate processing for extracting spatial and spectral information. In this paper we will describe several extensions to traditional morphological operators that can treat spectral and spatial domains concurrently and can be used to extract relationships between these domains in a meaningful way. This includes the investgation and development of suitable vector-ordering metrics and machine-learning-based techniques for optimizing the various parameters of the morphological operators, such as morphological operator, structuring element and vector ordering metric. We demonstrate their application to a range of multi- and hyper-spectral image analysis problems.
We present Genie Pro, a new software tool for image analysis produced by the ISIS (Intelligent Search in Images and Signals) group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Like the earlier GENIE tool produced by the same group, Genie Pro is a general purpose adaptive tool that derives automatic pixel classification algorithms for satellite/aerial imagery, from training input provided by a human expert. Genie Pro is a complete rewrite of our earlier work that incorporates many new ideas and concepts. In particular, the new software integrates spectral information; and spatial cues such as texture, local morphology and large-scale shape information; in a much more sophisticated way. In addition, attention has been paid to how the human expert interacts with the software: Genie Pro facilitates highly efficient training through an interactive and iterative “training dialog”. Finally, the new software runs on both Linux and Windows platforms, increasing its versatility. We give detailed descriptions of the new techniques and ideas in Genie Pro, and summarize the results of a recent evaluation of the software.
Biological studies suggest that neurons in the mammalian retina accomplish a dynamic segmentation of the visual input. When activated by large, high contrast spots, retinal spike trains exhibit high frequency oscillations in the upper gamma band, between 60 to 120 Hz. Despite random phase variations over time, the oscillations recorded from regions responding to the same spot remain phase locked with zero lag whereas the phases recorded from regions activated by separate spots rapidly become uncorrelated. Here, a model of the mammalian retina is used to explore the segmentation of high contrast, gray-scale images containing several well-separated objects. Frequency spectra were computed from lumped spike trains containing 2×2 clusters of neighboring retinal output neurons. Cross-correlation functions were computed between all cell clusters exhibiting significant peaks in the upper gamma band. For each pair of oscillatory cell clusters, the cross-correlation between the lumped spike trains was used to estimate a functional connectivity, given by the peak amplitude in the upper gamma band of the associated frequency spectra. There was a good correspondence between the largest eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the resulting sparse functional connectivity matrix and the individual objects making up the original image, yielding an overall segmentation comparable to that generated by a standard watershed algorithm.
Tools that perform pixel-by-pixel classification of multispectral imagery are useful in broad area mapping applications such as terrain categorization, but are less well-suited to the detection of discrete objects. Pixel-by-pixel classifiers, however, have many advantages: they are relatively simple to design, they can readily employ formal machine learning tools, and they are widely available on a variety of platforms. We describe an approach that enables pixel-by-pixel classifiers to be more effectively used in object-detection settings. This is achieved by optimizing a metric which does not attempt to precisely delineate every pixel comprising the objects of interest, but instead focusses the attention of the analyst to these objects without the distraction of many false alarms. The approach requires only minor modification of exisiting pixel-by-pixel classifiers, and produces substantially improved performance. We will describe algorithms that employ this approach and show how they work on a varitety of object detection problems using remotely-sensed multispectral data.
We present ZEUS, an algorithm for extracting features from images and time series signals. ZEIS is designed to solve a variety of machine learning problems including time series forecasting, signal classification, image and pixel classification of multispectral and panchromatic imagery. An evolutionary approach is used to extract features from a near-infinite space of possible combinations of nonlinear operators. Each problem type (i.e. signal or image, regression or classification, multiclass or binary) has its own set of primitive operators. We employ fairly generic operators, but note that the choice of which operators to use provides an opportunity to consult with a domain expert. Each feature is produced from a composition of some subset of these primitive operators. The fitness for an evolved set of features is given by the performance of a back-end classifier (or regressor) on training data. We demonstrate our multimodal approach to feature extraction on a variety of problems in remote sensing. The performance of this algorithm will be compared to standard approaches, and the relative benefit of various aspects of the algorithm will be investigated.
Recent developments in imaging technology mean that it is now possible
to obtain high-resolution histological image data at multiple
wavelengths. This allows pathologists to image specimens over a full
spectrum, thereby revealing (often subtle) distinctions between
different types of tissue. With this type of data, the spectral
content of the specimens, combined with quantitative spatial feature
characterization may make it possible not only to identify the
presence of an abnormality, but also to classify it
accurately. However, such are the quantities and complexities of these
data, that without new automated techniques to assist in the data
analysis, the information contained in the data will remain
inaccessible to those who need it. We investigate the application of a
recently developed system for the automated analysis of
multi-/hyper-spectral satellite image data to the problem of cancer
detection from multispectral histopathology image data. The system
provides a means for a human expert to provide training data simply by
highlighting regions in an image using a computer mouse. Application
of these feature extraction techniques to examples of both training
and out-of-training-sample data demonstrate that these, as yet
unoptimized, techniques already show promise in the discrimination
between benign and malignant cells from a variety of samples.
An increasing number and variety of platforms are now capable of
collecting remote sensing data over a particular scene. For many
applications, the information available from any individual sensor may
be incomplete, inconsistent or imprecise. However, other sources may
provide complementary and/or additional data. Thus, for an application
such as image feature extraction or classification, it may be that
fusing the mulitple data sources can lead to more consistent and
reliable results.
Unfortunately, with the increased complexity of the fused data, the
search space of feature-extraction or classification algorithms also
greatly increases. With a single data source, the determination of a
suitable algorithm may be a significant challenge for an image
analyst. With the fused data, the search for suitable algorithms can
go far beyond the capabilities of a human in a realistic time frame,
and becomes the realm of machine learning, where the computational
power of modern computers can be harnessed to the task at hand.
We describe experiments in which we investigate the ability of a suite
of automated feature extraction tools developed at Los Alamos National
Laboratory to make use of multiple data sources for various feature
extraction tasks. We compare and contrast this software's capabilities
on 1) individual data sets from different data sources 2) fused data
sets from multiple data sources and 3) fusion of results from multiple
individual data sources.
Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed and demonstrated a highly capable system, GENIE, for the two-class problem of detecting a single feature against a background of non-feature. In addition to the two-class case, however, a commonly encountered remote sensing task is the segmentation of multispectral image data into a larger number of distinct feature classes or land cover types. To this end we have extended our existing system to allow the simultaneous classification of multiple features/classes from multispectral data. The technique builds on previous work and its core continues to utilize a hybrid evolutionary-algorithm-based system capable of searching for image processing pipelines optimized for specific image feature extraction tasks. We describe the improvements made to the GENIE software to allow multiple-feature classification and describe the application of this system to the automatic simultaneous classification of multiple features from MTI image data. We show the application of the multiple-feature classification technique to the problem of classifying lava flows on Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii, using MTI image data and compare the classification results with standard supervised multiple-feature classification techniques.
Feature extraction from imagery is an important and long-standing problem in remote sensing. In this paper, we report on work using genetic programming to perform feature extraction simultaneously from multispectral and digital elevation model (DEM) data. We use the GENetic Imagery Exploitation (GENIE) software for this purpose, which produces image-processing software that inherently combines spatial and spectral processing. GENIE is particularly useful in exploratory studies of imagery, such as one often does in combining data from multiple sources. The user trains the software by painting the feature of interest with a simple graphical user interface. GENIE then uses genetic programming techniques to produce an image-processing pipeline. Here, we demonstrate evolution of image processing algorithms that extract a range of land cover features including towns, wildfire burnscars, and forest. We use imagery from the DOE/NNSA Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) spacecraft, fused with USGS 1:24000 scale DEM data.
The Cerro Grande/Los Alamos forest fire devastated over 43,000 acres (17,500 ha) of forested land, and destroyed over 200 structures in the town of Los Alamos and the adjoining Los Alamos National Laboratory. The need to measure the continuing impact of the fire on the local environment has led to the application of a number of remote sensing technologies. During and after the fire, remote-sensing data was acquired from a variety of aircraft- and satellite-based sensors, including Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+). We now report on the application of a machine learning technique to the automated classification of land cover using multi-spectral and multi-temporal imagery. We apply a hybrid genetic programming/supervised classification technique to evolve automatic feature extraction algorithms. We use a software package we have developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, called GENIE, to carry out this evolution. We use multispectral imagery from the Landsat 7 ETM+ instrument from before, during, and after the wildfire. Using an existing land cover classification based on a 1992 Landsat 5 TM scene for our training data, we evolve algorithms that distinguish a range of land cover categories, and an algorithm to mask out clouds and cloud shadows. We report preliminary results of combining individual classification results using a K-means clustering approach. The details of our evolved classification are compared to the manually produced land-cover classification.
Feature identification attempts to find algorithms that can consistently separate a feature of interest from the background in the presence of noise and uncertain conditions. This paper describes the development of a high-throughput, reconfigurable computer based, feature identification system known as POOKA. POOKA is based on a novel spatio-spectral network, which can be optimized with an evolutionary algorithm on a problem-by-problem basis. The reconfigurable computer provides speed up in two places: 1) in the training environment to accelerate the computationally intensive search for new feature identification algorithms, and 2) in the application of trained networks to accelerate content based search in large multi-spectral image databases. The network is applied to several broad area features relevant to scene classification. The results are compared to those found with traditional remote sensing techniques as well as an advanced software system known as GENIE. The hardware efficiency and performance gains compared to software are also reported.
Between May 6 and May 18, 2000, the Cerro Grande/Los Alamos wildfire burned approximately 43,000 acres (17,500 ha) and 235 residences in the town of Los Alamos, NM. Initial estimates of forest damage included 17,000 acres (6,900 ha) of 70-100% tree mortality. Restoration efforts following the fire were complicated by the large scale of the fire, and by the presence of extensive natural and man-made hazards. These conditions forced a reliance on remote sensing techniques for mapping and classifying the burn region. During and after the fire, remote-sensing data was acquired from a variety of aircraft-based and satellite-based sensors, including Landsat 7. We now report on the application of a machine learning technique, implemented in a software package called GENIE, to the classification of forest fire burn severity using Landsat 7 ETM+ multispectral imagery. The details of this automatic classification are compared to the manually produced burn classification, which was derived from field observations and manual interpretation of high-resolution aerial color/infrared photography.
Classification of broad area features in satellite imagery is one of the most important applications of remote sensing. It is often difficult and time-consuming to develop classifiers by hand, so many researchers have turned to techniques from the fields of statistics and machine learning to automatically generate classifiers. Common techniques include Maximum Likelihood classifiers, neural networks and genetic algorithms. We present a new system called Afreet, which uses a recently developed machine learning paradigm called Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In contrast to other techniques, SVMs offer a solid mathematical foundation that provides a probabalistic guarantee on how well the classifier will generalize to unseen data. In addition the SVM training algorithm is guaranteed to converge to the globally optimal SVM classifier, can learn highly non-linear discrimination functions, copes extremely well with high-dimensional feature spaces (such as hyperspectral data), and scales well to large problem sizes. Afreet combines an SVM with a sophisticated spatio-spectral feature construction mechanism that allows it to classify spectrally ambiguous pixels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the system by applying Afreet to several broad area classification problems in remote sensing, and provide a comparison with conventional Maximum Likelihood classification.
Compute performance and algorithm design are key problems of image processing and scientific computing in general. For example, imaging spectrometers are capable of producing data in hundreds of spectral bands with millions of pixels. These data sets show great promise for remote sensing applications, but require new and computationally intensive processing. The goal of the Deployable Adaptive Processing Systems (DAPS) project at Los Alamos National Laboratory is to develop advanced processing hardware and algorithms for high-bandwidth sensor applications. The project has produced electronics for processing multi- and hyper-spectral sensor data, as well as LIDAR data, while employing processing elements using a variety of technologies. The project team is currently working on reconfigurable computing technology and advanced feature extraction techniques, with an emphasis on their application to image and RF signal processing. This paper presents reconfigurable computing technology and advanced feature extraction algorithm work and their application to multi- and hyperspectral image processing. Related projects on genetic algorithms as applied to image processing will be introduced, as will the collaboration between the DAPS project and the DARPA Adaptive Computing Systems program. Further details are presented in other talks during this conference and in other conferences taking place during this symposium.
In support of its dual mission in environmental studies and nuclear nonproliferation, the Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) has enhanced spatial and radiometric resolutions and state-of-the-art calibration capabilities. These instrumental developments put a new burden on retrieval algorithm developers to pass this accuracy on to the inferred geophysical parameters. In particular, current atmospheric correction schemes assume the intervening atmosphere is adequately modeled as a plane-parallel horizontally-homogeneous medium. A single dense-enough cloud in view of the ground target can easily offset reality from the calculations, hence the need for a reliable cloud-masking algorithm. Pixel-scale cloud detection relies on the simple facts that clouds are generally whiter, brighter, and colder than the ground below; spatially, dense clouds are generally large, by some standard. This is a good basis for searching multispectral datacubes for cloud signatures. However, the resulting cloud mask can be very sensitive to the choice of thresholds in whiteness, brightness, and temperature as well as spatial resolution. In view of the nature of MTI’s mission, a false positive is preferable to a miss and this helps the threshold setting. We have used the outcome of a genetic algorithm trained on several (MODIS Airborne Simulator-based) simulated MTI images to refine an operational cloud-mask. Its performance will be compared to EOS/Terra cloud mask algorithms.
The “pixel purity index” (PPI) algorithm proposed by Boardman, et al1 identifies potential endmember pixels in multispectral imagery. The algorithm generates a large number of “skewers” (unit vectors in random directions), and then computes the dot product of each skewer with each pixel. The PPI is incremented for those pixels associated with the extreme values of the dot products. A small number of pixels (a subset of those with the largest PPI values) are selected as “pure” and the rest of the pixels in the image are expressed as linear mixtures of these pure endmembers. This provides a convenient and physically-motivated decomposition of the image in terms of a relatively few components. We report on a variant of the PPI algorithm in which blocks of B skewers are considered at a time. Prom the computation of B dot products, one can produce a much larger set of “derived” dot products that are associated with skewers that are linear combinations of the original B skewers. Since the derived dot products involve only scalar operations, instead of full vector dot products, they can be very cheaply computed. We will also discuss a hardware implementation on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) processor both of the original PPI algorithm and of the block-skewer approach. We will furthermore discuss the use of fast PPI as a front-end to more sophisticated algorithms for selecting the actual endmembers.
We describe the implementation and performance of a parallel, hybrid evolutionary-algorithm-based system, which optimizes image processing tools for feature-finding tasks in multi-spectral imagery (MSI) data sets. Our system uses an integrated spatio-spectral approach and is capable of combining suitably-registered data from different sensors. We investigate the speed-up obtained by parallelization of the evolutionary process via multiple processors (a workstation cluster) and develop a model for prediction of run-times for different numbers of processors. We demonstrate our system on Landsat Thematic Mapper MSI , covering the recent Cerro Grande fire at Los Alamos, NM, USA.
We consider the problem of pixel-by-pixel classification of a multi- spectral image using supervised learning. Conventional spuervised classification techniques such as maximum likelihood classification and less conventional ones s uch as neural networks, typically base such classifications solely on the spectral components of each pixel. It is easy to see why: the color of a pixel provides a nice, bounded, fixed dimensional space in which these classifiers work well. It is often the case however, that spectral information alone is not sufficient to correctly classify a pixel. Maybe spatial neighborhood information is required as well. Or maybe the raw spectral components do not themselves make for easy classification, but some arithmetic combination of them would. In either of these cases we have the problem of selecting suitable spatial, spectral or spatio-spectral features that allow the classifier to do its job well. The number of all possible such features is extremely large. How can we select a suitable subset? We have developed GENIE, a hybrid learning system that combines a genetic algorithm that searches a space of image processing operations for a set that can produce suitable feature planes, and a more conventional classifier which uses those feature planes to output a final classification. In this paper we show that the use of a hybrid GA provides significant advantages over using either a GA alone or more conventional classification methods alone. We present results using high-resolution IKONOS data, looking for regions of burned forest and for roads.
We describe the implementation and performance of a genetic algorithm (GA) which evolves and combines image processing tools for multispectral imagery (MSI) datasets. Existing algorithms for particular features can also be “re-tuned” and combined with the newly evolved image processing tools to rapidly produce customized feature extraction tools. First results from our software system were presented previously. We now report on work extending our system to look for a range of broad-area features in MSI datasets. These features demand an integrated spatio- spectral approach, which our system is designed to use. We describe our chromosomal representation of candidate image processing algorithms, and discuss our set of image operators. Our application has been geospatial feature extraction using publicly available MSI and hyperspectral imagery (HSI). We demonstrate our system on NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) HSI which has been processed to simulate MSI data from the Department of Energy’s Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) instrument. We exhibit some of our evolved algorithms, and discuss their operation and performance.
We describe the implementation and performance of a genetic algorithm which generates image feature extraction algorithms for remote sensing applications. We describe our basis set of primitive image operators and present our chromosomal representation of a complete algorithm. Our initial application has been geospatial feature extraction using publicly available multi-spectral aerial-photography data sets. We present the preliminary results of our analysis of the efficiency of the classic genetic operations of crossover and mutation for our application, and discuss our choice of evolutionary control parameters. We exhibit some of our evolved algorithms, and discuss possible avenues for future progress.
The retrieval of scene properties (surface temperature, material type, vegetation health, etc.) from remotely sensed data is the ultimate goal of many earth observing satellites. The algorithms that have been developed for these retrievals are informed by physical models of how the raw data were generated. This includes models of radiation as emitted and/or reflected by the scene, propagated through the atmosphere, collected by the optics, detected by the sensor, and digitized by the electronics. To some extent, the retrieval is the inverse of this 'forward' modeling problem. But in contrast to this forward modeling, the practical task of making inferences about the original scene usually requires some ad hoc assumptions, good physical intuition, and a healthy dose of trial and error. The standard MTI data processing pipeline will employ algorithms developed with this traditional approach. But we will discuss some preliminary research on the use of a genetic programming scheme to 'evolve' retrieval algorithms. Such a scheme cannot compete with the physical intuition of a remote sensing scientist, but it may be able to automate some of the trial and error. In this scenario, a training set is used, which consists of multispectral image data and the associated 'ground truth;' that is, a registered map of the desired retrieval quantity. The genetic programming scheme attempts to combine a core set of image processing primitives to produce an IDL (Interactive Data Language) program which estimates this retrieval quantity from the raw data.
Mathematical morphology has produced an important class of nonlinear filters. Unfortunately, design methods existing for these types of filter tend to be computationally intractable or require some expert knowledge of mathematical morphology. Genetic algorithms (GAs) provide useful tools for optimization problems which are made difficult by substantial complexity and uncertainty. Although genetic algorithms are easy to understand and simple to implement in comparison with deterministic design methods, they tend to require long computation times. But the structure of a genetic algorithm lends itself well to parallel implementation and, by parallelization of the GA, major improvements in computation time can be achieved. A method of morphological filter design using GAs is described, together with an efficient parallelization implementation, which allows the use of massively parallel computers or inhomogeneous
clusters of workstations.
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