The introduction of a camera component to the already well-established detectors, such as photo multiplier tubes (PMTs) or avalanche photo diodes (APDs), adds intricacy to the arrangement of optical subsystem in flow cytometer. Moreover, it brings forth additional requirements for effectively coordinating information capture among different detector types. An appealing alternative to address this challenge is hyperspectral imaging – a technique which enables capturing of the spatial and spectral information simultaneously. Yet, there has not been much research performed to study applications of hyperspectral imaging in combination with narrow bandwidth illumination commonly used in flow cytometry.
In this work, we investigate the applicability of hyperspectral imaging to flow cytometrical systems, where a multiple wavelength laser system is utilized for sample illumination. A four-wavelength laser illumination platform developed by Modulight Corporation is utilized as the light source. Our main objective is to assess the hyperspectral imaging component's ability to distinguish between the illuminating light and the fluorescence emitted by the sample. Furthermore, we carefully evaluate the quality of the obtained hyperspectral images and explore the potential to differentiate samples based on the collected spatial data.
Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is a form of cancer with a relatively high 5-year survival rate but also very high recurrence rate. Photodynamic diagnosis is commonly used in standard clinical practice to visualize bladder cancer lesions as part of a TURBT procedure but photodynamic treatments utilizing photosensitive drugs have had limited success in clinical setting partly because of limitations in light sources and light delivery optics. Bladder is somewhat challenging environment for PDT as it needs to be accessed cystoscopically and lesions might be difficult to target with traditional light delivery optics for example because of their close proximity to bladder entrance. The properties of different tumor types (papillary vs carcinoma in situ (CIS)) also require different illumination methods, so laser parameters and illumination modes need to be designed accordingly.
Modulight has developed its ML7710 laser platform further to optimally support a novel photosensitive drug for treatment of NMIBC in clinical setting. The laser system and its light delivery mechanism enable both focused illumination of localized papillary lesions and overall illumination of the entire bladder to cover possible scattered CIS lesions. Clinicians have been consulted on feasibility of different illumination modes and other practical matters related to e.g., treatment duration. The optimization of Modulight’s system for NMIBC has also included compatibility testing with flexible cystoscopes and investigation of the light delivery system performance in bladder-like environment. Connectivity features of the laser system have been tailored to support documentation requirements in clinical trials by enabling treatment configuration and realized treatment log storage in Modulight Cloud.Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is a form of cancer with a high recurrence rate and limited treatment options. Currently best results are achieved when BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) is used together with photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) and TURBT (trans urethral resection of bladder tumor) but majority of NMIBC still recur after the initial treatment. Even though PDD is commonly used to visualize the lesions as part of a TURBT procedure, photosensitive drug compounds have had limited success in clinical setting partly because of limitations in light sources and light delivery optics.
Modulight has extended its multi-indication laser platform to support the use of a novel photosensitive drug for NMIBC. The properties of different tumor types (papillary vs carcinoma in situ (CIS)) require different illumination methods and laser parameters and illumination modes have been defined accordingly. Laser system has been designed to support both focused illumination of localized lesions and overall illumination of the entire bladder to cover possible scattered CIS lesions. Light delivery system optimization has included compatibility testing with flexible cystoscopes and investigation of the light delivery system performance in bladder environment. Connectivity features of the laser system have been tailored to support documentation requirements in clinical trials by enabling treatment configuration and realized treatment log storage in Modulight cloud. Ongoing work and future plans include treatment monitoring and imaging capabilities integration in treatment flow with the aim to have a comprehensive laser platform that can support white light imaging, fluorescence imaging, and a variety of light-based treatment modalitiesView contact details