5 July 2000 Novel polymeric antireflective coating (PARC) for better uniformity control of critical dimension
Kung Linliu, Mai-Rue Kuo, Yi-Ren Huang
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A novel polymeric bottom anti-reflective coating (PARC) process has been developed for 0.25micrometers flash device on the severe topology with KrF lithography. The refractive index, n, and the extinction coefficient, k, of PARC can be tuned to match the optical properties of substrates. The CD uniformity range within wafer is 0.027micrometers and the variation is 0.007micrometers for the polymer BARC. However, the data from organic ARC is 0.047 micrometers and 0.024micrometers for the CD uniformity and variation, respectively. The PARC is a uniform and conformal layer of thin film, which significantly improves the CD uniformity of critical layers such as poly Si gate and other features over topography. Since PARC is a highly conformal film, it can be deposited very uniformly across topography. The thickness of PARC is very uniform on the poly Si/TEOS oxide stack of polysilicon gate of a 0.25micrometers Flash device with highly topology. In contrast, the thickness of BARC varies form place to place. While the thickness of BARC is very thick in the trough, it becomes quite thin at the top. Such a variation not only decreases the photo process latitude, but also creates a problem for the etch process. Furthermore, the etching rate of PARC is about 200 percent higher than BARC, so that there is less resist loss during BARC open step.
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Kung Linliu, Mai-Rue Kuo, and Yi-Ren Huang "Novel polymeric antireflective coating (PARC) for better uniformity control of critical dimension", Proc. SPIE 4000, Optical Microlithography XIII, (5 July 2000); Logo
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Bottom antireflective coatings



Photoresist materials

Deep ultraviolet


Polymer thin films

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