The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) is a project to build and operate a 6.5m telescope at the summit of Co. Chajnantor (5640 m.a.s.l). This is promoted by the Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, the University of Tokyo in collaboration with many institutes and universities in Japan and Chile. The site construction started in 2018 and was successfully completed by April 2024. An operation support building and an enclosure have already been constructed and are operational at the summit. Electricity is supplied by two generators installed in the operations building. The telescope mount and mirrors have already completed their tests in Japan and the U.S., respectively. They were transported to Chile and wait for the assembly. The first light instruments, NICE and MIMIZUKU, are undergoing final adjustment in Japan and will be transported to Chile as the telescope assembly progresses. The near-infrared instrument SWIMS has completed its open use on the Subaru telescope and returned back to Japan in Aug. 2023 for upgrading for TAO. The near-infrared spectrograph TARdYS, which is being developed in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, is also making progress in the development of its optics and detectors. In addition to these, the development of a new optical instrument has been started this year. Allocation of the observing time was also determined. TAO will use approximately 45% of its scientific observation time as project time, 35% as Japan open time for the Japanese community, and 10% as Chilean time for the Chilean community. 5-15% will be provided as paid observing time.
Measurement of the alignment error of the telescope mirrors is an essential and demanding task in the telescope assembly phase. One method is to examine the aberration over the whole telescope field of view from sky images with stars, but there are complicated issues in the case of large telescopes. The focal plane of the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) 6.5-m telescope has a large diameter of 546mm and a field curvature. Therefore, many imaging sensors must be arrayed on the curved focal plane. We propose a concept of a screen camera for the TAO 6.5-m telescope. To lower the cost, we accept the degradation of the spatial resolution up to ∼2 arcseconds and the decrease in optical throughput. This system consists of a transparent screen, a camera lens, and a CMOS sensor, and it obtains sky images through the telescope on the screen. The transparent spherical screen with one side sanded is placed at the telescope focal plane. A CMOS sensor with a commercially available camera lens and filters is placed at about 1.5 meters from the screen and captures the starry sky on the screen. The pixel scale on the CMOS sensor is calculated to be 0.31 arcseconds, and the estimated limiting magnitude is about 13 in a 10-second exposure at a 10σ level. After the telescope mirror alignment, the screen camera will provide focused sky images in the whole field of view, 25 arcminutes diameter.
KEYWORDS: Tunable filters, Feedback control, Control systems, Digital signal processing, Electronic filtering, Repetition frequency, Signal processing, Mirrors
In ground-based mid-infrared observations the background radiation must be removed. Chopping is a background removal method requiring fast switching of the observation field. For MIMIZUKU, the mid-infrared instrument for the TAO telescope, we have developed a cold chopper which switches the observing field by tilting a movable mirror inside MIMIZUKU, instead of tilting the large secondary mirror.
We require a short transition time, sufficient amplitude, high frequency and steadyness for observation in the chopper movement.
With Repetitive Control we significantly increase performance by iteratively improving a feedforward trajectory and continously adapting to changes in the nonlinear dynamics.
This allows for much shorter transition time (<30 ms) and more freedom in the design of a feedback controller. Furthermore, repetitive disturbances originating from the cryo-cooler can be countered thus improving stability on sky.
Controller design, stabilisation, choice of reference trajectory, real-time computability and performance trade-offs are subjects in this research.
MIMIZUKU, the mid-infrared instrument for the 6.5-m telescope at the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO), employs a cold chopper to perform chopping, which tilts a mirror placed on the internal cold optics at about 30 K. The mirror rotates around two orthogonal axes, and its tilt angle is controlled by the balance between the restoring force of the flexural pivots and the magnetic force driven by the coils in the system. In this study, we developed a final-product model of the chopper and tested its onboard performance in MIMIZUKU. This experiment showed that the mirror could be operated with a stability of 3.83×10−4 and 3.29×10−4 degrees, and a transition time of 31.2 and 32.2 milliseconds for each rotation, when both rotations were driven at 5 Hz with an amplitude of 0.59 degrees, satisfying the performance requirements.
Time-domain astronomy is important in the field of modern astronomy, and monitoring observations in the mid-infrared region with 1% photometric accuracy to study the variables and transients is becoming essential. The non-uniformity of the sensitivity caused by the optical characteristics of instruments and differences in the response curves of individual detector pixels degrade photometric accuracy. Therefore, to achieve 1% photometric accuracy, a flat-field correction for the non-uniformity with an accuracy of better than 1% is required. We developed a flat calibration unit (FCU) consisting of a silicon lens, a blackbody source, and two flat folding mirrors. We conducted proof-of-concept tests of the FCU by measuring the accuracy and stability of flat frames obtained using the FCU. The accuracies of the flat frames were 0.23% at 7.7 μm, 0.43% at 9.6 μm, 0.34% at 11.5 μm, and 0.84% at 20.9 μm, which are sufficient to achieve 1% photometric accuracy. The flat frames obtained using the FCU were stable over a period of 29 h within the accuracies of 0.13% at 7.7 μm, 0.12% at 9.6 μm, 0.22% at 11.5 μm, and 0.52% at 20.9 μm, indicating that it is sufficient to obtain flat frames once per night.
Cold choppers are fast beam-switching tip-tilt mirrors installed in the cold optics of mid-infrared instruments. They enable chopping observations, required for ground-based mid-infrared observations to subtract the bright background radiation, without moving telescope mirrors. In the era of next-generation extremely large telescopes, the telescope mirrors cannot be moved due to the size. Therefore, cold choppers are a key technology for groundbased mid-infrared instruments for such large telescopes. In this study, we develop a prototype cold chopper for TAO/MIMIZUKU, the mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope, and evaluate the performance in a cryogenic environment at 20 K. It is confirmed that the prototype shows almost the same response as at room temperature and achieves 2-axis square-wave motion with an amplitude of 0.84 deg, a settling time of ∼40 ms, and a frequency of ≥2 Hz. The evaluated power dissipation is ∼5mW. Stability is found to be slightly worse than required (6 × 10−4 deg) due to mechanical vibration caused by the cryocooler used in the experiment. We plan to mount this chopper on MIMIZUKU to check the effects of such vibrations in the on-board environment.
MIMIZUKU is a mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope under construction in the Atacama Desert, Chile, and will be the world’s first mid-infrared monitoring observation station. We aim to achieve a photometric accuracy of 1%. For this purpose, highly accurate flat fielding with an accuracy of 0.1% is needed. Although flat fielding has been conducted using sky images and dark images conventionally, the correction has uncertainties of several percent. The reason is that the non-linearity of the detector is not considered. To improve this, it is necessary to create flat frames from data in the same count level as during observation. Highly accurate flat frames were derived by taking differential counts against the time variation of the atmospheric radiation. However, this method cannot be used under stable conditions suitable for observations. Therefore, we developed a flat calibration unit which irradiates the detector uniformly and vary the irradiation intensity with time to enable the improved flat fielding under any conditions. We designed the unit that irradiates the detector uniformly by placing a silicon lens and a blackbody source in front of the camera. The blackbody source is put at the pupil position of the optical system. We made some tests to create flat images with the unit. By improving flat fielding, we have successfully corrected for patterns originating from the detector, which appeared in the conventional one. We also clarified that the accuracy of the improved flat fielding was 0.29%, while the accuracy of the conventional one was 1.3%.
MIMIZUKU is the first-generation mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope. It has three internal optical channels to cover a wide wavelength range from 2 to 38 µm. Of the three channels, the NIR channel is responsible for observations in the shortest wavelength range, shorter than 5.3 µm. The performance of the NIR channel is evaluated in the laboratory. Through the tests, we confirm the followings: 1) the detector (HAWAII 1RG with 5.3-µm cutoff) likely achieves ∼80% quantum efficiency; 2) imaging performance is sufficient to achieve seeing-limit spatial resolution; 3) system efficiencies in imaging mode are 2.4–31%; and 4) the system efficiencies in spectroscopic modes is 5–18%. These results suggest that the optical performance of the NIR channel is achieved as expected from characteristics of the optical components. However, calculations of the background levels and on-sky sensitivity based on these results suggest that neutral density (ND) filters are needed to avoid saturation in L ′ - and M′ -band observations and that the ND filters and the entrance window, made of chemical-vapor-deposition (CVD) diamond, significantly degrade the sensitivity in these bands. This means that the use of different window materials and improvements of the detector readout speed are required to achieve both near-infrared and long-wavelength mid-infrared (>30 µm) observations.
KEYWORDS: Space telescopes, Telescopes, James Webb Space Telescope, Mirrors, Optical instrument design, Astronomy, Space operations, Cryogenics, Aerospace engineering, Cryocoolers
The Origins Space Telescope will trace the history of our origins from the time dust and heavy elements permanently altered the cosmic landscape to present-day life. How did galaxies evolve from the earliest galactic systems to those found in the universe today? How do habitable planets form? How common are life-bearing worlds? We describe how Origins was designed to answer these alluring questions. We discuss the key decisions taken by the Origins mission concept study team, the rationale for those choices, and how they led through an exploratory design process to the Origins baseline mission concept. To understand the concept solution space, we studied two distinct mission concepts and descoped the second concept, aiming to maximize science per dollar and hit a self-imposed cost target. We report on the study approach and describe the concept evolution. The resulting baseline design includes a 5.9-m diameter telescope cryocooled to 4.5 K and equipped with three scientific instruments. The chosen architecture is similar to that of the Spitzer Space Telescope and requires very few deployments after launch. The cryo-thermal system design leverages James Webb Space Telescope technology and experience.
The mid-infrared spectrometer and camera transit spectrometer (MISC-T) is one of the three baseline instruments for Origins Space Telescope (Origins) and provides the capability to assess the habitability of nearby exoplanets and search for signs of life. MISC-T employs a densified pupil optical design, and HgCdTe and Si:As detector arrays. This optical design allows the instrument to be relatively insensitive to minor line-of-sight pointing drifts and telescope aberrations, and the detectors do not require a sub-Kelvin refrigerator. MISC-T has three science spectral channels that share the same field-of-view by means of beam splitters, and all channels are operated simultaneously to cover the full spectral range from 2.8 to 20 μm at once with exquisite stability and precision (<5 ppm between 2.8 to 11 μm, <20 ppm between 11 and 20 μm). A Lyot-coronagraph-based tip–tilt sensor located in the instrument fore-optics uses the light reflected by a field stop, which corresponds to 0.3% of the light from the target, to send fine pointing information to the field steering mirror in the Origins telescope. An additional MISC Wide Field Imager (WFI) is studied as an upscope option for the Origins. MISC-WFI offers a wide field imaging (3 ′ × 3 ′ ) and low-resolution spectroscopic capability with filters and grating-prisms (grisms) covering 5 to 28 μm. The imaging capability of the MISC-WFI will be used for general science objectives. The low-resolution spectroscopic capability in MISC-WFI with a resolving power R ( = λ / Δλ) of a few hundreds will be used to measure the mid-infrared dust features and ionic lines at z up to ∼1 in the Origins mission’s Rise of Metals and Black Hole Feedback programs. The MISC-WFI also serves as a focal plane pointing and guiding instrument for the observatory, including when the MISC-T channel is performing its exoplanet spectroscopy observations.
The Origins Space Telescope (Origins) concept is designed to investigate the creation and dispersal of elements essential to life, the formation of planetary systems, and the transport of water to habitable worlds and the atmospheres of exoplanets around nearby K- and M-dwarfs to identify potentially habitable—and even inhabited—worlds. These science priorities are aligned with NASA’s three major astrophysics science goals: How does the Universe work? How did we get here? and Are we alone? We briefly describe the science case that arose from the astronomical community and the science traceability matrix for Origins. The science traceability matrix prescribes the design of Origins and demonstrates that it will address the key science questions motivated by the science case.
The Origins Space Telescope will trace the history of our origins from the time dust and heavy elements permanently altered the cosmic landscape to present-day life. How did galaxies evolve from the earliest galactic systems to those found in the Universe today? How do habitable planets form? How common are life-bearing worlds? To answer these alluring questions, Origins will operate at mid- and far-infrared (IR) wavelengths and offer powerful spectroscopic instruments and sensitivity three orders of magnitude better than that of the Herschel Space Observatory, the largest telescope flown in space to date. We describe the baseline concept for Origins recommended to the 2020 US Decadal Survey in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The baseline design includes a 5.9-m diameter telescope cryocooled to 4.5 K and equipped with three scientific instruments. A mid-infrared instrument (Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Camera Transit spectrometer) will measure the spectra of transiting exoplanets in the 2.8 to 20 μm wavelength range and offer unprecedented spectrophotometric precision, enabling definitive exoplanet biosignature detections. The far-IR imager polarimeter will be able to survey thousands of square degrees with broadband imaging at 50 and 250 μm. The Origins Survey Spectrometer will cover wavelengths from 25 to 588 μm, making wide-area and deep spectroscopic surveys with spectral resolving power R ∼ 300, and pointed observations at R ∼ 40,000 and 300,000 with selectable instrument modes. Origins was designed to minimize complexity. The architecture is similar to that of the Spitzer Space Telescope and requires very few deployments after launch, while the cryothermal system design leverages James Webb Space Telescope technology and experience. A combination of current-state-of-the-art cryocoolers and next-generation detector technology will enable Origins’ natural background-limited sensitivity.
Mid-infrared detector arrays operating from 2.8 to 20 μm are baselined in the design of the Origins Space Telescope Mid-Infrared Spectrometer Instrument. This instrument is designed to detect and measure the spectral signatures of gases of biogenic origin in the atmospheres of exoplanets as they transit their host stars. In order to make these detections, the detector array’s pixels need to have high-signal stability when exposed to a constant flux in multiple time-series integration over a typical transit time of a few hours. With the use of a densified pupil spectrometer design, pointing effects can be mitigated because pointing variations do not displace spectra on the detector and each wavelength of light is averaged over a large number of pixels, giving good spectrophotometric stabilities. The current state-of-the-art detector arrays do not achieve these stabilities, although with a feasible development program this level of performance should be achievable. Three detector technologies are under consideration for this development, HgCdTe arrays, Si:As impurity band conduction arrays, and transition edge superconductor bolometer arrays. We primarily treat the HgCdTe technology development, but also introduce the paths forward for the other two technologies. After a few years-long investigative programs, a down-select will be undertaken to select the flight technology.
The Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (Camera) transit spectrometer (MISC-T) is one of the baseline instruments studied for the Origins Space Telescope. MISC-T employs a novel densified pupil optical design and achieves exquisite stability and precision (<5ppm in 2.8—11μm, <20ppm in 11—20μm). It provides the Origins with the capability to assess the habitability of nearby exoplanets and search for signs of life. An additional MISC Wide Field Imager (MISC-WFI) is studied as an upsope option for the Origins. MISC-WFI offers an imaging and low-resolution spectroscopic capability for 5—28μm. The MISC WFI also serves as the focal plane pointing and guiding for the observatory.
We report on the laboratory experiments of a densified pupil spectrograph designed for mid-infrared transit spectroscopy of exoplanets. We developed a testbed consisting of a blackbody infrared light source, a densified pupil spectrograph, and a prototype JWST Si:As Impurity Band Conduction (IBC) detector array to simulate observations of a planet’s host star. In order to thermally stabilize the measurement system, we installed all of the components in a large cryogenic dewar and controlled the temperatures of the thermal source and the Si:As IBC detector. The characteristics of the spectrum formed on the detector were consistent with the designed values. The photometric precision of the densified pupil spectrograph was 14 ppm on average over the whole observing wavelength range of 8.5 to 10.5 μm. The systematic noise component of the spectrograph hidden behind the transit spectrograph was 11 ppm.
SMI (SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument) is one of the three focal-plane science instruments for SPICA. SMI is the Japanese-led instrument proposed and managed by a university consortium. SMI covers the wavelength range from 10 to 36 μm with four separate channels: the low-resolution (R = 60 – 160) spectroscopy function for 17 – 36 μm, the broad-band (R = 5) imaging function at 34 μm, the mid-resolution (R = 1400 – 2600) spectroscopy function for 18 – 36 μm, and the high-resolution (R = 29000) spectroscopy function for 10 – 18 μm. In this presentation, we will show the latest design and specifications of SMI as a result of feasibility studies.
The Mid-Infrared Multi-field Imager for gaZing at the UnKnown Universe (MIMIZUKU) is developed as the first-generation mid-infrared instrument for the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) 6.5-m telescope. MIMIZUKU performs medium-band imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy in 2-38 microns and enables highest-spatial-resolution observations in the long-wavelength mid-infrared beyond 25 microns. In addition, MIMIZUKU has a unique opto-mechanical device called ‘Field Stacker’, which enables us to observe a distant (<25 arcminutes) pair of target and reference objects simultaneously and improves accuracy of atmospheric calibration. This function is expected to improve photometric accuracy and quality of spectroscopic data even in the long-wavelength mid-infrared regions, where the atmospheric absorption is severe. In 2018, engineering observations of MIMIZUKU were carried out at the Subaru telescope, and its first-light was successfully achieved. In the engineering observations, the imaging and spectroscopic functions in the mid-infrared wavelengths (7.6-25 microns) were confirmed to be working almost as expected, although the sensitivity is still worse than the background-limited performance by a factor of a few due to high readout noise. The Field Stacker was also confirmed to be working as expected. It is confirmed that the photometric instability can be reduced to a few percent by using Field Stacker even when the atmospheric transmittance varies by 10% in time. It is also confirmed that spectroscopic observations can be performed not only in 10-micron band but also in 20-micron band, where the spectroscopic observations are difficult even at the Mauna Kea site. We report the results of these on-sky performance evaluations.
The Origins Space Telescope will trace the history of our origins from the time dust and heavy elements permanently altered the cosmic landscape to present-day life. How did galaxies evolve from the earliest galactic systems to those found in the universe today? How do habitable planets form? How common are life-bearing worlds? To answer these alluring questions, Origins will operate at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths and offer powerful spectroscopic instruments and sensitivity three orders of magnitude better than that of Herschel, the largest telescope flown in space to date. After a 3 ½ year study, the Origins Science and Technology Definition Team will recommend to the Decadal Survey a concept for Origins with a 5.9-m diameter telescope cryocooled to 4.5 K and equipped with three scientific instruments. A mid-infrared instrument (MISC-T) will measure the spectra of transiting exoplanets in the 2.8 – 20 μm wavelength range and offer unprecedented sensitivity, enabling definitive biosignature detections. The Far-IR Imager Polarimeter (FIP) will be able to survey thousands of square degrees with broadband imaging at 50 and 250 μm. The Origins Survey Spectrometer (OSS) will cover wavelengths from 25 – 588 μm, make wide-area and deep spectroscopic surveys with spectral resolving power R ~ 300, and pointed observations at R ~ 40,000 and 300,000 with selectable instrument modes. Origins was designed to minimize complexity. The telescope has a Spitzer-like architecture and requires very few deployments after launch. The cryo-thermal system design leverages JWST technology and experience. A combination of current-state-of-the-art cryocoolers and next-generation detector technology will enable Origins’ natural backgroundlimited sensitivity.
This paper describes the transit spectrograph designed for the Origins Space Telescope mid-infrared imager, spectrometer, coronagraph (MISC) and its performance derived through analytical formulation and numerical simulation. The transit spectrograph is designed based on a densified pupil spectroscopy design that forms multiple independent spectra on the detector plane and minimizes the systematic noise in the optical system. This design can also block any thermal light incoming into pixels around the transit spectra. The gain fluctuations occurring in the detector and readout electronics are accurately corrected by use of a number of blanked-off pixels. We found that the transit spectrograph for the OST concept 1 with a diameter of 9.3m potentially achieves the photon-noise-limited performance and allows detection of biosignature gases through transmission spectroscopy of transiting planets orbiting late- and middle-M type stars at 10 pc with 60 transit observations.
The Origins Space Telescope (OST) mission concept study is the subject of one of the four science and technology definition studies supported by NASA Headquarters to prepare for the 2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey. OST will survey the most distant galaxies to discern the rise of metals and dust and to unveil the co-evolution of galaxy and blackhole formation, study the Milky Way to follow the path of water from the interstellar medium to habitable worlds in planetary systems, and measure biosignatures from exoplanets. This paper describes the science drivers and how they drove key requirements for OST Mission Concept 2, which will operate between ~5 and ~600 microns with a JWST sized telescope. Mission Concept 2 for the OST study optimizes the engineering for the key science cases into a powerful and more economical observatory compared to Mission Concept 1.
The Mid-infrared Imager, Spectrometer, Coronagraph (MISC) is one of the instruments studied both for the Origins Space Telescope (OST) Mission Concept 1 and 2. The MISC for OST Mission Concept 1 consists of the MISC imager and spectrometer module (MISC I and S), the MISC coronagraph module (MISC COR) and the MISC transit spectrometer module (MISC TRA). The MISC I and S offers (1) a wide field (3 arcminx3 arcmin) imaging and low-resolution spectroscopic capability with filters and grisms for 6-38 μm, (2) a medium-resolution (R~1,000) Integral Field Unit (IFU) spectroscopic capability for 5- 38 μm and (3) a high-resolution (R~25,000) slit spectroscopic capability for 12-18 μm and 25-36 μm. The MISC COR module employs PIAACMC coronagraphy method and covers 6-38 μm achieving 10-7 contrast at 0.5 arcsec from the central star. The MISC TRA module employs a densified pupil spectroscopic design to achieve 3-5 ppm of spectro-photometric stability and covers 5-26 μm with R=100-300. The MISC for OST Mission Concept 2 consists of the MISC wide field imager module (MISC WFI) and the MISC transit Spectrometer module (MISC TRA). The MISC WFI offers a wide field (3 arcmin ×3 arcmin) imaging and low-resolution spectroscopic capabilities with filters and grisms for 6-28μm. The MISC TRA module in the OST Mission Concept 2 also employs the densified pupil spectroscopic design to achieve <5 ppm of spectro-photometric stability and covers 4-22 μm with R=100-300. The highest ever spectrophotometric stability achieved by MISC TRA enables to detect bio-signatures (e.g., ozone, water, and methane) in habitable worlds in both primary and secondary transits of exoplanets and makes the OST a powerful tool to bring an revolutionary progress in exoplanet sciences. Combined with the spectroscopic capability in the FIR provided by other OST instruments, the MISC widens the wavelength coverage of OST down to 5μm, which makes the OST a powerful tool to diagnose the physical and chemical condition of the ISM using dust features, molecules lines and atomic and ionic lines. The MISC also provides the OST with a focal plane guiding function for the other OST science instruments as well as its own use.
The Origins Space Telescope (OST) will trace the history of our origins from the time dust and heavy elements permanently altered the cosmic landscape to present-day life. How did the universe evolve in response to its changing ingredients? How common are life-bearing planets? To accomplish its scientific objectives, OST will operate at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths and offer superlative sensitivity and new spectroscopic capabilities. The OST study team will present a scientifically compelling, executable mission concept to the 2020 Decadal Survey in Astrophysics. To understand the concept solution space, our team studied two alternative mission concepts. We report on the study approach and describe both of these concepts, give the rationale for major design decisions, and briefly describe the mission-enabling technology.
With the imminent launch of the JWST, the field of thermal-infrared (TIR) astronomy will enjoy a revolution. It is easy to imagine that all areas of infrared (IR) astronomy will be greatly advanced, but perhaps impossible to conceive of the new vistas that will be opened. To allow both follow-up JWST observations and a continuance of work started on the ground-based 8m’s, we continue to plan the science cases and instrument design for a TIR imager and spectrometer for early operation on the TMT. We present the current status of our science cases and the instrumentation plans, harnessing expertise across the TMT partnership. This instrument will be proposed by the MICHI team as a second-generation instrument in any upcoming calls for proposals.
SMI (SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument) is one of the two focal-plane science instruments for SPICA. SMI is the Japanese led instrument proposed and managed by a nation-wide university consortium in Japan and planned to be developed in collaboration with Taiwan and the US. SMI covers the wavelength range from 12 to 36 μm with 4 separate channels: the low-resolution (R = 50-120) spectroscopy function for 17-36 μm, the broad-band (R = 5) imaging function at 34 μm, the mid-resolution (R = 1300-2300) spectroscopy function for 18-36 μm, and the high-resolution (R = 28000) spectroscopy function for 12-18 μm. In this paper, we show the results of our conceptual design and feasibility studies of SMI.
The Mid-infrared Imager, Spectrometer Coronagraph (MISC) instrument studied for the Origins Space Telescope (OST) Mission Concept 1 is designed to observe at mid-infrared (MIR) wavelengths ranging from 5 to 38 microns for OST. In the OST Mission Concept 1 study, MISC consists of three separate optical modules providing imaging, spectroscopy, and coronagraph capabilities. The MISC Coronagraph module (MISC COR) employs Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization (PIAA) coronagraph (Guyon et al. 2014) in which pupil apodization is modified by reflection on mirrors and central starlight is blocked by focal plane mask and Lyot mask. The performance target of MISC COR is to achieve 10-7 contrast at 0.5” from the central star with covering wavelength of 6-38 microns using 2 optical channels. MISC COR will be a powerful tool to bring a revolutionary progress in exoplanet sciences. In this paper, we present detailed design of its optics and optomechanics, and discuss expected performances for a variety of combination of focal plane mask and Lyot mask.
The Mid-Infrared Multi-field Imager for gaZing at the UnKnown Universe (MIMIZUKU) is a mid-infrared camera and spectrograph developed as a first-generation instrument on the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) 6.5-m telescope. MIMIZUKU covers a wide wavelength range from 2 to 38 μm and has a unique optical device called Field Stacker which realizes accurate calibration of variable atmospheric transmittance with a few percent accuracy. By utilizing these capabilities, MIMIZUKU realizes mid-infrared long-term monitoring, which has not been challenged well. MIMIZUKU has three optical channels, called NIR, MIR-S, and MIR-L, to realize the wide wavelength coverage. The MIR-S channel, which covers 6.8–26 μm, has been completed by now. We are planning to perform engineering observations with this channel at the Subaru telescope before the completion of the TAO 6.5-m telescope. In this paper, we report the results of the laboratory tests to evaluate the optical and detector performances of the MIR-S channel. As a result, we confirmed a pixel scale of 0.12 arcsec/pix and a vignetting- free field of view of 2./0 1./8. The instrument throughputs for imaging modes are measured to be 20–30%. Those for N - and Q -band spectroscopy modes are 17 and 5%, respectively. As for the detector performance, we derived the quantum efficiency to be 40–50% in the mid-infrared wavelength region and measured the readout noise to be 3000–6000 electrons, which are larger than the spec value. It was found that this large readout noise degrades the sensitivity of MIMIZUKU by a factor of two.
SPICA (Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) is an astronomical mission optimized for mid-and far-infrared astronomy with a cryogenically cooled 3-m class telescope, envisioned for launch in early 2020s. Mid-infrared Camera and Spectrometer (MCS) is a focal plane instrument for SPICA with imaging and spectroscopic observing capabilities in the mid-infrared wavelength range of 5-38μm. MCS consists of two relay optical modules and following four scientific optical modules of WFC (Wide Field Camera; 5'x 5' field of view, f/11.7 and f/4.2 cameras), LRS (Low Resolution Spectrometer; 2'.5 long slits, prism dispersers, f/5.0 and f/1.7 cameras, spectral resolving power R ∼ 50-100), MRS (Mid Resolution Spectrometer; echelles, integral field units by image slicer, f/3.3 and f/1.9 cameras, R ∼ 1100-3000) and HRS (High Resolution Spectrometer; immersed echelles, f/6.0 and f/3.6 cameras, R ∼ 20000-30000). Here, we present optical design and expected optical performance of MCS. Most parts of MCS optics adopt off-axis reflective system for covering the wide wavelength range of 5-38μm without chromatic aberration and minimizing problems due to changes in shapes and refractive indices of materials from room temperature to cryogenic temperature. In order to achieve the high specification requirements of wide field of view, small F-number and large spectral resolving power with compact size, we employed the paraxial and aberration analysis of off-axial optical systems (Araki 2005 [1]) which is a design method using free-form surfaces for compact reflective optics such as head mount displays. As a result, we have successfully designed compact reflective optics for MCS with as-built performance of diffraction-limited image resolution.
MIMIZUKU is the first-generation mid-infrared instrument for the university of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) 6.5-m telescope. MIMIZUKU provides imaging and spectroscopic monitoring capabilities in a wide wavelength range from 2 to 38 μm, including unique bands like 2.7-μm and 30-μm band. Recently, we decided to add spectroscopic functions, KL-band mode (λ= 2.1-4.0 μm; R =λ/Δλ ~ 210) and 2.7-μm band mode ( λ= 2.4-2.95 μm; R ~ 620), and continuous spectroscopic coverage from 2.1 to 26 μm is realized by this update. Their optical designing is completed, and fabrications of optical elements are ongoing. As recent progress, we also report the completion of the cryogenic system and optics. The cryogenic system has been updated by changing materials and structures of thermal links, and the temperatures of the optical bench and detector mounting stages finally achieved required temperatures. Their stability against instrument attitude is also confirmed through an inclination test. As for the optics, its gold-plated mirrors have been recovered from galvanic corrosion by refabrication and reconstruction. Enough image quality and stability are confirmed by room-temperature tests. MIMIZUKU is intended to be completed in this autumn, and commissioning at the Subaru telescope and scientific operations on the TAO telescope are planned in 2017 and around 2019, respectively. In this paper, these development activities and future prospects of MIMIZUKU are reported.
KEYWORDS: Galactic astronomy, Space telescopes, Stars, Hydrogen, Telescopes, Solar system, Astronomy, Infrared telescopes, Spectroscopy, James Webb Space Telescope
This paper describes the beginning of the Far-Infrared Surveyor mission study for NASA’s Astrophysics Decadal 2020.
We describe the scope of the study, and the open process approach of the Science and Technology Definition Team. We
are currently developing the science cases and provide some preliminary highlights here. We note key areas for
technological innovation and improvements necessary to make a Far-Infrared Surveyor mission a reality.
We present the latest results of the sensitivity estimate for spectrometers of the SPICA Mid-Infrared
Instrument (SMI). SMI has three spectroscopic channels; low resolution spectrometer (LRS), medium
resolution spectrometer (MRS) and high resolution spectrometer (HRS). Taking account of the results of
optical design of each spectrometer and the latest information of the expected performance of detector
arrays, the continuum sensitivity for a point source, the continuum sensitivity for an extended source,
the line sensitivity for a point source, the line sensitivity for an extended source, and the saturation limit
are calculated for LRS, MRS and HRS and are provided in this paper.
SMI (SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument) is one of the two focal-plane scientific instruments planned for new SPICA, and
the Japanese instrument proposed and managed by a university consortium in Japan. SMI covers the wavelength range of
12 to 36 μm, using the following three spectroscopic channels with unprecedentedly high sensitivities: low-resolution
spectroscopy (LRS; R = 50 - 120, 17 - 36 μm), mid-resolution spectroscopy (MRS; R = 1300 - 2300, 18 - 36 μm), and
high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS; R = 28000, 12 - 18 μm). The key functions of these channels are high-speed dustband
mapping with LRS, high-sensitivity multi-purpose spectral mapping with MRS, and high-resolution molecular-gas
spectroscopy with HRS. This paper describes the technical concept and scientific capabilities of SMI.
We have carried out a trial production of the large-format (n=11) image slicer unit for a possible future mid-infrared instrument on the TMT aiming to verify its technical feasibility. The key elements in our trial production are the monolithic large-format slice mirrors and the monolithic large-format pupil mirrors. The results of our trial production of those key elements based on the ultra high-precision cutting techniques and the assembly of the large-format image slicer unit are presented in this paper.
We have carried out the trial production of small format (n=5) image slicer aiming to obtain the technical verification of the Integral Field Unit (IFU) that can be equipped to the next generation infrared instruments such as TMT/MICHI and SPICA/SMI. Our goal is to achieve stable pseudo slit image with high efficiency. Here we report the results of the assembly of the image slicer unit and the non-cryogenic evaluation system of the pseudo slit image quality in the infrared.
Anti-reflection (AR) is very important for high-throughput optical elements. The durability against cooling is
required for the AR structure in the cryogenic optics used for mid-infrared astronomical instruments. Moth-eye structure is a promising AR technique strong against cooling. The silicon lens and grism with the moth-eye structure are being developed to make high-throughput elements for long-wavelength mid-infrared instruments. A double-sided moth-eye plano-convex lens (Effective diameter: 33 mm, Focal length: 188 mm) was fabricated. By the transmittance measurement, it was confirmed that its total throughput is 1.7± 0.1 times higher than bare silicon lenses in a wide wavelength range of 20{45 μm. It suggests that the lens can achieve 83±5% throughput in the cryogenic temperature. It was also confirmed that the moth-eye processing on the lens does not modify the focal length. As for the grism, the homogeneous moth-eye processing on blaze pattern was realized by employing spray coating for the resist coating in EB lithography. The silicon grism with good surface roughness was also developed. The required techniques for completing moth-eye grisms have been established.
We report the restraint deformation and the corrosion protection of gold deposited aluminum mirrors for mid-infrared
instruments. To evaluate the deformation of the aluminum mirrors by thermal shrinkage, monitoring measurement of the
surface of a mirror has been carried out in the cooling cycles from the room temperature to 100 K. The result showed
that the effect of the deformation was reduced to one fourth if the mirror was screwed with spring washers.
We have explored an effective way to prevent the mirror from being galvanically corroded. A number of samples have
been prepared by changing the coating conditions, such as inserting an insulation layer, making a multi-layer and overcoating
water blocking layer, or carrying out precision cleaning before coating. Precision cleaning before the deposition
and protecting coat with SiO over the gold layer seemed to be effective in blocking corrosion of the aluminum. The SiO
over-coated mirror has survived the cooling test for the mid-infrared use and approximately 1 percent decrease in the
reflectance has been detected at 6-25 microns compared to gold deposited mirror without coating.
The MIMIZUKU is the first-generation mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope. It challenges to prove the origin of dust and the formation of planets with its unique capabilities, wide wavelength coverage and precise calibration capability. The wide wavelength coverage (2-38 μm) is achieved by three switchable cameras, NIR, MIR-S, and MIR-L. The specifications of the cameras are revised. A 5μm-cutoff HAWAII-1RG is decided to be installed in the NIR camera. The optical design of the MIR-L camera is modified to avoid detector saturation.
Its final F-number is extended from 5.2 to 10.5. With these modifications, the field of view of the NIR and MIR-L camera becomes 1.2’ × 1.2’ and 31” × 31”, respectively. The sensitivity of each camera is estimated based on the
revised specifications. The precise calibration is achieved by the “Field Stacker” mechanism, which enables the simultaneous observation of the target and the calibration object in different fields. The up-and-down motion
of the cryostat (~ 1 t), critical for the Field Stacker, is confirmed to have enough speed (4 mm/s) and position accuracy (~ 50 μm). A control panel for the Field Stacker is completed, and its controllers are successfully
installed. The current specifications and the development status are reported.
An image slicer is highly in demand for an integral field unit (IFU) spectrograph of the next generation infrared
telescopes. This paper reports the results of the trial production of three key optical elements for a small format (number
of slice; n=5) image slicer, i.e. monolithic slice mirrors, monolithic pupil mirrors and monolithic pseudo slit mirrors. We
have demonstrated that sufficiently high processing accuracy and mirror surface accuracy for infrared observations are
achieved for each optical element based on our super precision cutting techniques.
AKARI, the Japanese satellite mission dedicated to infrared astronomy was launched in 2006 February and exhausted its liquid helium in 2007 August. During the cold mission phase, the Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard carried out an all-sky survey at 9 and 18µm with better spatial resolution and higher sensitivity than IRAS. Both bands also have slightly shorter wavelength coverage than IRAS 12 and 25μm bands and thus provide different information on the infrared sky. All-sky image data of the IRC are now in the final processing and will be released to the public within a year. After the exhaustion of the cryogen, the telescope and focal plane instruments of AKARI had still been kept at sufficiently low temperatures owing to the onboard cryocooler. Near-infrared (NIR) imaging and spectroscopic observations with the IRC had continued until 2011 May, when the spacecraft had a serious problem in the power supply system that forced us to terminate the observation. The IRC carried out nearly 20000 pointing observations in total despite of its near-earth orbit. About a half of them were performed after the exhaustion of the cryogen in the spectroscopic modes, which provided high-sensitivity NIR spectra from 2 to 5µm without disturbance of the terrestrial atmosphere. During the warm mission phase, the temperature of the instrument gradually increased and changed the array operation conditions. We present a summary of AKARI/IRC observations, including the all-sky mid-infrared diffuse data as well as the data taken in the warm mission phase.
TAO (The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory) is planned to be constructed at the summit of Co. Chajnantor (5640 m altitude) in Chile. MIMIZUKU (Mid-Infrared Multi-field Imager for gaZing at the UnKnown Universe) is a mid-infrared imager (Field of View: 1' x 1'- 2' x 2') and spectrometer (Δλ/λ: 60-230) for the 6.5-m TAO telescope, covering the wavelength range of 2-38 μm. The MIMIZUKU has a unique equipment called Field Stacker (FS) which enables the simultaneous observation of target and reference object. The simultaneity is expected to improve photometric accuracy and to realize long-term monitoring observations. The development status of the MIMIZUKU is reported in this paper. The FS and the cryostat of the MIMIZUKU have been fabricated and under testing. The cold optics (550 mm x 750 mm x 2 floors) with 28 mirrors has been constructed. The mirrors were aligned with the positional precision of 0.1 mm and the angular precision of 0.1 deg. The evaluated optical performance is that the diffraction-limited image at λ <8 μm and the enough compact image (r <2 pix=0.22") at 2 λ ~2μm can be obtained. In the cold optics, the drive systems with backlash-less gears are employed and work well even in cryogenic environment. The grisms made with silicon and germanium have been fabricated by ultraprecision cutting. It was found that their surface roughness, grating constant, and blaze angle almost measure up to the designed values.
A mid-infrared (MIR) imager and spectrometer is being investigated for possible construction in the early operation of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Combined with the MIR adaptive optics (AO) system (MIRAO), the instrument will afford ~15 times higher sensitivity and ~4 times better spatial resolution (0.07”) at 10μm compared to 8m-class telescopes. Additionally, through exploiting the large collection area of the TMT, the high-dispersion spectroscopy mode will be unrivaled by other ground- and space-based facilities. These combined capabilities offer the possibility for breakthrough science, as well as ‘workhorse’ observing modes of imaging and low/moderate spectral resolution. In this paper we summarize the primary science drivers that are guiding the instrument design.
We have investigated the on-orbit properties of the spectroscopic data taken with NIR channel of the
Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard AKARI during the phases 1, 2 and 3. We have determined the boundary
shape of the aperture mask of NIR channel by using the spectroscopic data of uniform zodiacal
background emission. The information on the aperture mask shape is indispensable in modeling and
subtracting the spectroscopic background patterns made by the diffuse background emission such as
zodiacal emission and the Galactic cirrus emission. We also have examined the wavelength dependency
on the profile of the point spread function and its effect on the spectroscopic data. The obtained
information is useful, for example, in reducing the spectroscopic data of a point source badly affected by
bad pixels and in decomposing the overlapping spectra of sources that are aligned in the dispersion
direction with a small offset the cross dispersion direction. In this paper, we summarize the
supplementary knowledge that will be useful for the advanced data reduction procedures of NIR
spectroscopic datasets.
Mid-infrared Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) is one of the key spectroscopic modules of Mid-
Infrared Camera and Spectrometers (MCS) that will be onboard SPICA. MRS is an Echelle Grating
spectrometer designed to observe a number of fine structure lines of ions and atoms, molecular lines, and
band features stemming from solid particles and dust grains of the interstellar and circumstellar
medium in the mid-infrared wavelength range. MRS consists of two channels; the shorter wavelength
channel (MRS-S) covers the spectral range from 12.2 to 23.0 micron with a spectral resolution power of
R~1900-3000 and the longer wavelength channel (MRS-L) covers from 23.0 to 37.5 micron with
R~1100-1500 on the basis of the latest results of the optical design. The distinctive functions of the
MRS are (1) a dichroic beam splitter equipped in the fore-optics, by which the same field of view is
shared between the two channels, and (2) the small format image slicer as the integral field unit
installed in each channel. These functions enable us to collect continuous 12-38 micron spectra of both
the point-like and diffuse sources reliably with a single exposure pointed observation. In this paper, the
specifications and the expected performance of the MRS are summarized on the basis of the latest
results of the optical design. The latest progress in the development of the key technological elements,
such as the Dichroic Beam Splitter and the Small Format Monolithic Slice Mirrors, are also reported.
SPICA (Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) is an astronomical mission optimized for
mid- and far-infrared astronomy, envisioned for launch in early 2020s. The core wavelength coverage of this
mission is 5 to 200 micron. Mid-infrared Camera and Spectrometer (MCS) will provide imaging and spectroscopic
observing capabilities in the mid-infrared region with 4 modules. WFC (Wide Field Camera) has two 5
arcminutes square field of view and covers the wavelength range from 5 to 38 micron. MRS (Mid Resolution
Spectrometer) has integral field units by image slicer and covers the wavelength range from 12.2 to 37.5 micron
simultaneously using dichroic filter and two sets of spectrometers. HRS (High Resolution Spectrometer) covers
the wavelength range from 12 to 18 micron with resolving power 20000 to 30000, and it has optional short
wavelength channel which covers from 4 to 8 micron with resolving power 30000. LRS (Low Resolution Spectrometer)
adopts prism disperser and covers the wavelength range from 5 to 38 micron with resolving power 50
to 100. Here, we present detailed specifications of MCS, optical design, and estimated performance on orbit.
A metal mesh filter is appropriate to a band-pass filter for astronomy in the long mid-infrared between 25 and 40 μm,
where most of optical materials are opaque. The mesh filter does not require transparent dielectric materials unlike
interference filters because the transmission characteristics bare determined by surface plasmon-polariton (SPP)
resonances excited on a metal surface with a periodic structure. In this study, we have developed the mesh filters
optimized to atmospheric windows at 31.8 and 37.5 μm accessible from the Chajnantor site of 5,640 m altitude. First,
mesh filters made of a gold film of 2 μm thickness have been fabricated. Four identical film-type filters are stacked
incoherently to suppress leakages at stop-bands. The transmissions of the stacked filters have been measured to be 0.8 at
the peaks and below 1 x 10-3 at the stop-bands at 4 K. The ground-based mid-infrared camera MAX38 has been equipped
with the stacked filters and successfully obtained diffraction-limited stellar images at the Chajnantor site. The film-type
mesh filter does not have sufficient mechanical strength for a larger aperture and for use in space. We have developed
mesh filters with higher strength by applying the membrane technology for x-ray optics. The membrane-type mesh filter
is made of SiC and coated with a thin gold layer. The optical performance of the mesh filter is independent of internal
materials in principle because the SPP resonances are excited only on the metal surface. The fabricated membrane-type
mesh filter has been confirmed to provide comparable optical performance to the film-type mesh filter.
Mid-infrared, 25 - 45 microns, is a very important wavelength region to investigate the physics of lower temperature
environments in the universe. There are few transparent materials in the range of mid-infrared except
silicon. However, the reflection on a silicon surface reaches 30 % because of its high refractive index (~3.4).
To apply silicon to mid-infrared astronomical instruments, we need a way of antireflection and have adopted
a moth-eye structure. This structure keeps durable under cryogenic environments, which is advantageous to
mid-infrared instruments. We have fabricated three samples of the moth-eye structure on plane silicon surfaces
by electron-beam photo-lithograph and reactive ion etching. The structures consist of many cones standing on
silicon surfaces. We have substantiated the transmittance of 96 % or higher in the wide range of 20 - 50 microns
and higher than 98 % at the maximum. The transmittance of moth-eye surfaces, however, is theoretically expected
as 100 %. We have examined the discrepancy between the transmittance of the theory and fabrications
with electromagnetic simulations. It has been revealed that shapes of the cones and gaps at the bottom of the
cones seriously affect the transmittance. We have estimated a few tolerances for manufacturing the moth-eye
structures achieving sufficient transmittance of nearly 100 %.
We have been developing high-throughput optical elements with the moth-eye structures for mid-infrared optical
systems. The moth-eye structures are optimized for the wavelength of 25-45μm. It consists of cones with a
height of 15-20μm arranged at an interval of 5μm. They are formed on silicon substrate by electron-beam
lithography and reactive ion etching. As a verification of the usefulness of moth-eye, a double-sided moth-eye
silicon plane was fabricated. It shows a transmittance increase of 60% compared with the unprocessed silicon
plane. As the first trial of the moth-eye optical element, two silicon lenses with single-sided moth-eye were
fabricated. One is a plane-convex lens with the moth-eye on the convex surface. The size of the moth-eye
formed region is 30 mm x 30 mm. Its focal length is 186 mm. The other one is a biconvex lens with moth-eye
formed region of Φ 33 mm and a focal length of 94 mm. Uniform moth-eye pattern was fabricated especially
for the second lens sample. Imaging test with the first sample showed that neither image degradation nor focal
length variation was induced by the moth-eye fabrication. As a step to grism with moth-eye, a moth-eye grating
sample was fabricated. The grating pattern (Grating constant: 124.9μm, Blaze angle: 4 deg) was successfully
fabricated with anisotropic etching. Moth-eye patterns were fabricated on the grating surface. Although the
resulted moth-eye was successfully fabricated in the most regions, some non-uniformity was found. It can be
attributed to unevenness of resist coating, and improvement of coating method is needed.
SPICA (Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) is an astronomical mission optimized for
mid- and far-infrared astronomy, envisioned for launch in 2018. Mid-infrared instruments for SPICA are
required to have three basic capabilities; a wide-field imaging, spectroscopic capability, and coronagraphic
capability as an option. First two capabilities are implemented by three instruments; MIRACLE(Mid-infRAred
Camera w/o Lens), MIRMES(Mid-IR Medium-resolution Echelle Spectrometer), and MIRHES(Mid-IR High-resolution
Echelle Spectrometer). Here, we present an optical architecture of the union of MIRACLE, MIRMES,
and MIRHES. MIRACLE has two channels (-S for short wavelength and -L for long wavelength) to cover the
wavelength range 5 to 40 micron. MIRACLE-L and MIRMES are packaged into one unit with common optical
bench and MIRACLE-S and MIRHES are packaged into another unit. Two units are independent with each
other and occupy different field of view of the SPICA telescope. Each unit has common fore-optics shared by
MIRACLE and MIR(M/H)ES. This fore-optics is designed using reflective mirror optics only, and has wide
filed of view(FOV). Most of the FOV is used by MIRACLE and small part of the FOV is used by MIRMES
or MIRHES. This structure of the instruments reduces the size and weight of the instruments. This benefit
outweigh the complexity of the instruments.
The Mid-Infrared Medium-Resolution Eschelle Spectrometer (MIRMES) is one of the focal-plane instrument onboard
SPICA mission proposed in the pre-project phase. It is designed for measuring the strengths and the profiles of lines and
bands emitted from various phases of materials including ionized gas, gas-phase molecules, solid-phase molecules and
dust particles in the wavelengths from 10 to 40μm. The MIRMES provides a medium resolution (R=700-1500)
spectroscopic capability in the mid-infrared spectral range (10-36μm) with integrated field units of a field-of-view of
about 12"×6" for shorter wavelength range (10-20μm) and 12"×12".5 for longer wavelength range (20-36μm). The
science targets of the MIRMES and the results of the concept study on its optical design and the expected performance
are described.
KEYWORDS: Near infrared, Spectroscopy, Sensors, Telescopes, Space telescopes, Near infrared spectroscopy, James Webb Space Telescope, Prisms, Astronomy, Cryocoolers
AKARI, the Japanese satellite mission dedicated for infrared astronomy launched in 2006 February, exhausted its 180
litter liquid helium (LHe) in 2007 August. After the LHe exhaustion, the telescope and focal plane of AKARI have still
been kept less than 50K by the onboard cryocooler and near-infrared (NIR) observations with the Infrared Camera (IRC)
are continuing. The data reduction software optimized for the warm mission enables us to carry out efficient and
sensitive observations in the NIR despite the increase of hot pixels. In particular, the NIR spectroscopic capability of
the IRC provides a unique opportunity to obtain spectra in 2.5-5μm with a high sensitivity, which will not be able to be
carried out with any other facilities until JWST. An overview of the AKARI warm mission is given together with the
performance and some observational results taken during the warm mission.
A mid-infrared (MIR) imager and spectrometer is being investigated for possible consideration for construction
in the early operation of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Combined with adaptive optics for the MIR, the
instrument will afford 15 times higher sensitivity (0.1mJy as 5 sigma detection in 1hour integration in the N-band
imaging) and 4 times better spatial resolution (0.08") at 10μm compared to 8m-class telescopes. In addition, its
large light-gathering power allows high-dispersion spectroscopy in the MIR that will be unrivaled by any other
facility. We, a collaborating team of Japanese and US MIR astronomers, have carefully considered the science
drivers for the TMT MIR instrument. Such an instrument would offer both broad and potentially transformative
science. Furthering the science cases for the MIRES1, where high-dispersion spectroscopy was emphasized, we
discuss additional capabilities for the instrument drawn from the enlarged science cases. The science cases include
broader areas of astronomical fields: star and planet formation, solar system bodies, evolved stars, interstellar
medium (ISM), extragalaxies, and cosmology. Based on these science drivers, essential instrument capabilities
and key enhancement are discussed (see the companion paper Tokunaga et al. 20102): specifically imaging, lowand
high-spectral resolution modes, integral field spectroscopy, and polarimetry.
Ground-based mid-infrared observations have two distinct advantages over space observations despite relatively lower
sensitivity. One is the high spatial resolution and the other is the monitoring capability. These advantages can be
emphasized particularly for the next coming ground-based infrared project University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
(TAO). Thanks to the low water vapor of the TAO site (5,640m) and the large aperture of the telescope (6.5meter), we
can observe at 30 micron with a spatial resolution of 1 arcsec. It is about ten times higher than that of current space
telescopes. The TAO is also useful for monitoring observations because of the ample observing time.
To take these advantages we are now developing a new mid-infrared infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-meter
telescope. This covers a wide wavelength range from 2 to 38 micron with three detectors (Si:As, Si:Sb, and InSb).
Diffraction limited spatial resolution can be achieved at wavelengths longer than 7 micron. Low-resolution spectroscopy
can also be carried out with grisms. This instrument equips a newly invented "field stacker" for monitoring observations.
It is an optical system that consists of two movable pick-up mirrors and a triangle shaped mirror, and combine two
discrete fields of the telescope into camera's field of view. It will enable us to apply a differential photometry method
and dramatically improve the accuracy and increase the feasibility of the monitoring observations at the mid-infrared
A mid-infrared imager and spectrometer is under consideration for construction in the first decade of the Thirty-
Meter Telescope (TMT) operation (see the companion paper by Okamoto). MIRES, a mid-infrared high-spectral
resolution optimized instrument, was previously proposed to provide these capabilities to the TMT community.
We have revised the design in order to provide an improved optical design for the high-spectral resolution
mode with R=120,000, improved imaging with sky chopping, low-spectral resolution mode with an integral
field spectrograph, and polarimetry. In this paper we describe the optical design concepts currently under
The AKARI satellite carries a cryogenically cooled telescope of an F/6 Richey-Chetien system with a sandwich-type
silicon carbide (SiC) primary mirror of 685mm in effective diameter. The AKARI satellite ran out of the liquid helium
(LHe) cryogen on 26 August 2006. With LHe the telescope system was kept around 6K, whereas it is kept around 40K
by the on-board cryocoolers after the LHe exhaustion. The telescope system has a focus adjustment mechanism in the
secondary mirror assembly. The telescope focus on orbit was adjusted referring to images taken with the Infrared
Camera (IRC) on board. The focus adjustment was made both at 6 and 40K. The in-orbit imaging performance at 6K
was estimated to be diffraction limited at 7.3μm, a little worse than the laboratory measurements prior to the launch. It
was slightly degraded to be approximately diffraction limited at 8μm at 40K as expected from the laboratory test, but the
movement of the focus position was in the opposite sense to the ground test. The AKARI mission provided us data of the
focus shift with temperature on orbit for the first time. We report an overview of the AKARI telescope system and the
focus adjustment operations at 6 and 40K.
Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard AKARI satellite has carried out more than 4000 pointed observations during the phases
1 and 2, a significant amount of which were performed in the spectroscopic mode. In this paper, we investigate the
properties of the spectroscopic data taken with MIR-S channel and propose a new data reduction procedure for slit-less
spectroscopy of sources embedded in complicated diffuse background structures. The relative strengths of the 0th to 1st
order light as well as the efficiency profiles of the 2nd order light are examined for various objects taken with MIR-S
dispersers. The boundary shapes of the aperture mask are determined by using the spectroscopic data of uniform zodiacal
emission. Based on these results, if the appropriate template spectra of zodiacal light emission and the diffuse
background emission are prepared and the geometries of the diffuse structures are obtained by the imaging data, we can
reproduce the slit-less spectroscopic patterns made by a uniform zodiacal emission and the diffuse background emission
by a convolution of those template profiles. This technique enables us to obtain the spectra of infrared sources in highly
complicated diffuse background and/or foreground structures, such as in the Galactic plane and in nearby galaxies.
AKARI is the first Japanese astronomical infrared satellite mission orbiting around the Earth in a sun-synchronous
polar orbit at the altitude of 700 km. One of the major observation programs of the AKARI is an all-sky survey in the
mid- to far-infrared spectral regions with 6 photometric bands. The mid-infrared part of the AKARI All-Sky Survey was
carried out with the Infrared Camera (IRC) at the 9 and 18 µm bands with the sensitivity of about 50 and 120 mJy (5σ
per scan), respectively. The spatial resolution is about 9.4" at both bands. AKARI mid-infrared (MIR) all-sky survey
substantially improves the MIR dataset of the IRAS survey of two decades ago and provides a significant database for
studies of various fields of astronomy ranging from star-formation and debris disk systems to cosmology. This paper
describes the current status of the data reduction and the characteristics of the AKARI MIR all-sky survey data.
The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of two focal-plane instruments on the AKARI satellite. It is designed for
wide-field deep imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy in the near- to mid-infrared (1.8-26.5 micron) in the
pointed observation mode of AKARI. The IRC is also operated in the survey mode to make an All-Sky Survey
at 9 and 18 microns. The IRC is composed of three channels. The NIR channel (1.8-5.5 micron) employs
a 512x412 InSb photodiode array, whereas both the MIR-S (4.6-13.4 micron) and MIR-L (12.6-26.5 micron)
channels use 256x256 Si:As impurity band conduction (IBC) arrays. Each of the three channels has a field-ofview
of approximately 10x10 arcmin., and they are operated simultaneously. The NIR and MIR-S channels share
the same field-of-view by virtue of a beam splitter. The MIR-L observes the sky about 25 arcmin. away from the
NIR/MIR-S field-of-view. The in-flight performance of the IRC has been confirmed to be in agreement with the
pre-flight expectation. More than 4000 pointed observations dedicated for the IRC are successfully completed,
and more than 90% of the sky are covered by the all-sky survey before the exhaustion of the Akari's cryogen. The
focal-plane instruments are currently cooled by the mechanical cooler and only the NIR channel is still working
properly. Brief introduction, in-flight performance and scientific highlights from the IRC cool mission, together
with the result of performance test in the warm mission, are presented.
The MIR-L is the mid-IR (12-26 μm) instrument for Japanese infrared astronomical satellite, the ASTRO-F. The instrument has 2 observing modes: a wide field imaging mode with a field of view of 10.7 × 10.2 arcmin2 and a low resolution spectroscopic mode with a spectral resolution R = λ/Δλ about 20. The spectroscopic mode provides with not only slit-spectroscopy for extended sources but also slitless-spectroscopy for point sources. We describe here the design, manufacturing, and performance evaluation of the cryogenic optical system of the MIR-L. The concept of the optical system design is to realize wide field observations with a compact size. The instrument employs a refractive optics of 5 lenses (CsI - CsI - KRS-5 - CsI - KRS-5) with a 256×256 pixel Si:As IBC array detector, 3 filters, and 2 grisms. The refractive indices of CsI and KRS-5 at the operating temperature of about 6 K have ambiguities because of the difficulty of the measurements. We therefore designed the MIR-L optics with tolerances for the uncertainties of the indices. Since both CsI and KRS-5 have the fragility and the large thermal expansion, we designed a specialized mounting architecture to prevent from making damages and/or decentrations of the lenses at cryogenic temperatures under the serious vibration during the launch. As a result, the optical system of the MIR-L has passed both vibration and thermal cycle tests without damage and performance degradation, and achieved diffraction limited performance over its full wavelength range at the operating temperature.
The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of the focal-plane instruments on board the Japanese infrared astronomical space mission ASTRO-F. It will make wide-field deep imaging and low-resolution spectroscopic observations over a wide spectral range in the near- to mid-infrared (2-26um) in the pointed observation mode of the ASTRO-F. The IRC will also be operated in the survey mode and make an all-sky survey at mid-infrared wavelengths. It comprises three channels. The NIR channel (2-5um) employs a 512x412 InSb array, whereas both the MIR-S (5-12um) and the MIR-L (12-26um) channels use 256x256 Si:As impurity band conduction (IBC) arrays. The three channels will be operated simultaneously. All the channels have 10'x10' fields of view with nearly diffraction-limited spatial resolutions. The NIR and MIR-S share the same field of view, while the MIR-L will observe the sky about 25' away from the NIR/MIR-S field of view. The IRC will give us deep insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies, the properties of brown dwarfs, the evolution of planetary disks, the process of star-formation, the properties of the interstellar medium under various physical environments, as well as the nature and evolution of solar system objects. This paper summarizes the latest laboratory measurements as well as the expected performance of the IRC.
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